Part 1: Introduction

Did you know that a natural disasters displace one person a second?

Can you imagine a situation where your life was in danger? How would you react?

There may be a time in your life when you find yourself in a life-threatening predicament. Let's gain some knowledge, so that IF you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation, you will know what to do.

For example: How would you survive if you were stranded in the desert?

  • Are you a survivor?
  • Do you know what to do if you found yourself in a challenging or dangerous situation?

Ready or not, you are about to become experts on surviving!

As you are working through this unit, keep in mind the following essential questions:

  • How do people adapt (skills, tools, thinking) in order to survive?
  • How does one’s mindset/thinking determine his/her survival?
  • How do past events impact our future?