Enrollment Link For "New Families Only" 2024/2025

**NOTE:  If you have used Camelot before, please do not use this link, as you already have an account/portal...  Please RE-enroll from your parent portal under the Registraion Tab.

Please visit the link below to enroll your child into Camelot. Once enrolled, you will get back an "approval email". Once approved, you can then go into your portal account and register on the monthly calendars.  You may register by the week, weeks, or month.  Please double check days before submitting, as registered days are not reimbursable. *Note - Registration will always be due by Wednesday midnight for the following week.  

New families wanting to attend in June will have to enroll in the current school year to access June and re-enroll (from parent portal) into next school year to access July and beyond.  Your second enrollment fee WILL be reimbursed - Make sure to email Heidi once you have been charged the second fee.  


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