Domain IV


Domain IV- The teacher fulfills professional roles and responsibilities and adheres to the legal and ethical requirements of the profession.

COMPETENCY STANDARD 011: The teacher understands the importance of family involvement in children's education and knows how to interact and communicate effectively with families.

ACTIVITY: [Include title linked to the activity]

OVERVIEW: [Include an overview paragraph of how the activity purpose or objective supports the competency standard.]

COMPETENCY STANDARD 012: The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively interacting with members of the educational community and participating in various types of professional activities.

ACTIVITY: [Include title linked to the activity]

OVERVIEW: [Include an overview paragraph of how the activity purpose or objective supports the competency standard.]

COMPETENCY STANDARD 013: The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical requirements for educators and is knowledgeable of the structure of education in Texas.ACTIVITY: [Include title linked to the activity]

OVERVIEW: [Include an overview paragraph of how the activity purpose or objective supports the competency standard.]