

1. Finite Element Library:

This library is originally developed for the finite element course MAE 4700/5700 at Cornell University. It is developed in such a modular way that it is easy to extend to other elements and solve various engineering problems. It also includes a module that can read mesh file from ANSYS. This library can be downloaded here.


During my Ph.D, I have developed several C++ libraries for numerical computations.

For access to any of the software packages listed below, one should send a request to Prof. Nicholas Zabaras.

  1. Random Number Generator : An advanced pseudo-random generator for the Uniform and Gaussian distributions.
  2. Histogram : A library to plot the PDF of a random distribution given a set of samples.
  3. Sparse Grid Collocation : An adaptive hierarchical sparse grid toolbox for high-dimensional interpolation, multidimensional integration and high-dimensional sparse grid collocation method. This library requires MPI.
  4. Solution of Stochastic PDEs Using Sparse Grid Collocation : Solution of stochastic PDEs using the hierarchical sparse grid toolbox. This library requires MPI and the MPDC-Finite element libraries for solving PDEs.
  5. Modeling Fluid Flow in Random Heterogeneous Media Using gPCE : A second-order projection finite element method for solving 2D and 3D flows in random porous media using the gPCE method. This library requires the Askey Chaos, Random number generator and Histogram libraries. Also MPI and the MPDC-Finite element libraries for solving PDEs are needed. A stand alone deterministic 2nd order projection FEM solver for flows in porous media is also included. It can be used in conjunction with the sparse grid collocation method for modeling flow in random media.