
Advertising Rates

Below you will find our 2019 Advertising Rates. Dimensions (in cms) are given width first. All enquiries to

Annual Rates

Monthly Rates

Layout Costs

These are agreed on a per case basis and reflect the amount of work we need to ensure the advert is in a publishable state.


    • Adverts are accepted for inclusion in 'The Chalk Stream' providing they are suitable and don't conflict with the values of the Church.
  • The editors reserve the right not to accept any advertisement for any reason.
  • Rates may change so you are advised to confirm them before commitment.
  • All advertising enquiries to


The Chalk Stream is distributed free of charge to each household in the parishes of Bradford Peverell, Frampton, Stratton and Sydling St. Nicholas. The current circulation is circa 950 copies per month.

Important Note

We are not in a position to vet advertisers and we recommend that when responding to an advertisment you satisfy yourself that the advertiser is suitable for your requirements.

We also recommend getting alternative quotations and taking up references where applicable.