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How Our Community Classroom Works:

First Grade Expectations and Procedures

Classroom expectations:

1. Listen and follow directions the first time

2. Keep hands, feet, body, and objects to yourself

3. Speak kindly to others and be polite

4. Wait to be called on before speaking

5. Be respectful of school and personal property

Consequences of a broken expectation:

1st warning - verbal warning given to the student

2nd warning –redirection, reminder of classroom expectations

3rd warning – possible loss of recess time, note home

4th warning – possible loss of Fun Friday activities, sent to front office, total loss of recess

Student Folders:

Each day, your child will bring home their daily folder that will be our communication tool between home and school. Included in the folder will be a calendar, reading log, homework sheet, and a zip-lock pouch (this is used to transport money, notes, etc. that are sent between school and home). IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU CHECK YOUR CHILD’S FOLDER EACH DAY! YOU MUST INITIAL EACH DAY INDICATING THAT YOU CHECKED THEIR FOLDER!


Spelling – 2-3 days a week (spelling words will begin in a few weeks)

Math - a math enrichment page(s) each day

Reading -15 minutes daily

Homework will be posted each week in the classroom memo. If your child does not hand in their homework, they will have to complete it during their snack time or recess time.

Water/Snack break:

We will have a 10 minute snack break each day. The students will need to bring in their own individual snack on a daily basis. Please send in a snack that is easily opened by the child. Please make sure to send in a healthy snack. Water bottles may be brought in that have a pop-up top. Please DO NOT send in water bottles with a twist off top. Students are only allowed to have water - NO JUICE OR CAFFEINE!


When it is your child’s birthday, you may send in a store bought treat for your child to share with the class at the end of the day. Please check with your child’s teacher for any allergies that students may have in the class before sending in a special treat. If birthday invitations are sent out, there must be one for each child in the class. I will be happy to put them in the folders.

Student Work:

I will try my best to send home work as soon as it is graded. This will allow you and your child an opportunity to review skills and concepts as we learn them. It is important that you review their work with them over the weekend too.

Class Newsletter/Memo:

Our class memo will be sent via email. It is important we have a working email that you check daily. It is imperative that you read the memo each week. We will have information about important events happening in first grade, as well as homework, and skills we are covering. These documents will be emailed unless there is no access to a computer. The memo can also be obtained from my website located under “teacher websites” on the Bay Haven web page (

Reading Logs:

Reading logs will be sent home in your child’s folder. You will need to log your child’s reading time. Reading is a vital component for growth in first grade. Your child will need to read 15 minutes each night. This can be a combination of you reading to your child and your child reading to you.


First grade has station rotations on a daily basis. Our stations will include self-selected reading, working with words, computers, math games, art, or unit (science/social studies). During stations, each child will meet with the teacher for guided reading. They will read books designated for their individual level in this reading portion.


First Grade will be grading using the A, B, C, D, and F grading scale.

A= 90%-100%

B= 80%-89%

C= 70%-79%

D= 60%-69%

F= Below 60%

**First grade teachers do not print report cards. You will need to create a FOCUS account for your student. Your child’s student ID number will be provided at Open House.


First grade instruction begins promptly at 7:30. I ask that you please try to be on time each day. Our academic day is packed with educational and fun events that are more beneficial if everyone is in the classroom on time and ready to learn. In order to help foster independence within our students, we ask that parents refrain from coming into the classroom with them in the mornings.

Changes in Transportation:

If there is a change in the way your child will go home, please call the front office or send a note or email to let me know.


If you are sending in money for an event, or lunch money, PLEASE place it in a baggie or envelope with your child’s name labeled on it.

Uniform Policy:

Your child must come to school with uniform bottoms with a belt (if there are belt loops), shirt tucked in, and a change of clothes in case there is an accident (kept in their backpack). If your child is out of uniform dress code, he/she will be sent to the office to wait for you to bring their correct uniform.

Pick Up Procedures:

You must have your child’s car tag hanging from your rear view mirror for car pick-up. This helps our pick-up line run smoothly. Bus/Van riders and Aftercare have a designated waiting area. Grades 3-5 and Middle school siblings will walk to the elementary side to meet your child at 3:05 for grades K-2 ONLY. There will be a sibling room holding area where your child will stay if they have a 3-8 grade sibling. K-2 will be released at 2:30. If you need extra car pick-ups tags, please let your child’s teacher know. If there is a change in pick-up, please call the front office or email your child’s teacher.

There will be a $25 Drop In Fee to Aftercare if your child has not been picked up within 30 minutes of their dismissal time. If your first grade child has an older sibling, it will begin at 30 minutes after the oldest child’s dismissal time. For example, if your first grade child has a 7th grade sister, they will be walked down to Aftercare in the cafeteria at 3:35PM and you will be charged the drop in fee.

Per administration, students may not be checked out after 2:00PM. If you have an appointment and will need to check out, please do so before 2:00PM. We are trying to minimize traffic issues.

The First Grade Team