School Cancellations / Delayed Starts


The Auburn School Department has instituted a delayed start policy when necessary due to inclement weather.

What is a delayed start?

The start of school will be delayed two hours. If there is a delayed start, morning Pre-K classes will be canceled. On half-day Wednesdays, there will not be a delayed start.

How will my child’s bus pick-up time be affected?

Your child’s bus pick-up time will be delayed two hours. For example, if the bus usually picks up your child at 7:45 a.m., the pick-up time will be 9:45 a.m. for a delayed start.

What is the school’s schedule when there is a delayed start?

Please check the school webpage for the school your child attends. As an example, the East Auburn Community School morning schedule for a delayed start is as follows:

• 10:10 – 10:25 Student Arrival - All students report to the Gym. Students should not arrive before 10:10.

• 10:10 – 10:25 Breakfast

• 10:25 Students report to classrooms. The remainder of the day follows our regular schedule.

Please contact the school office for the school your child attends with any questions about the delayed start policy.

When school is canceled, usually due to inclement weather, there are a number of ways you can find out about it:


Check this web page for cancellation announcements.


Once a decision has been made to cancel or delay the start of school, a Robocall is made by the superintendent's office (784-6431) to announce that fact.


Our school cancellations are announced on these television stations:


These radio stations announce our school cancellations: