
Our basic rule is the golden rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Our school rules are listed below. Following each rule are some specific ways the 2nd graders brainstormed of how these rules should be acted out in our classroom.

1) Respect yourself and others.

Take turns and share

Make peace

Love people and love yourself

Listen to others

Make sure everybody is included

Be kind to younger students

Use kind words only

Don’t hit or hurt people

Use good manners

2) Contribute to the learning environment.

Listen to the speaker

Do your work quietly

Give me 5

Don’t talk in church

Follow directions

Do your best

Don’t copy other people’s work

3) Follow classroom and school procedures.

Walk quietly and respectfully in the halls.

Walk quickly and quietly during a fire drill

Walk on the right side of the halls and stairs

Walk on the sidewalk, not the grass

No food fights

Treat all adults with respect

When an adult needs to get by, stop and step back for them.

Use the bathroom at recess

Use the hall pass when leaving the room

I believe very strongly in the power of positive reinforcement, whether that be through words of encouragement, tangible or intangible rewards, hugs, etc. I also believe in logical and natural consequences. If there is an ongoing problem, I will talk with your child at recess and will then contact you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.