Parent Resources and Required Postings

TEKS, also known as Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills is taught in each grade level throughout the state of Texas. Each set of Grade Level TEKS builds on the prior set. If you would like more information on your child's grade level TEKS you are welcome to visit the TEA website for more information. 


Arp Elementary School is happy to announce that we have once again reinstated a Security Initiative on our campus for the safety of our students and staff. 

The Security Initiative includes:

Procedures: Visitors to our Campus MUST HAVE a drivers license or state issued ID with them. The Office Staff will scan ID before you will be allowed to go down the hallway EACH AND EVERY TIME, this includes party visits. Please allow plenty of time, especially on busy party days.  This is a new system for our office so please be patient with us as we implement this system for the safety of our students and staff.

Pre K Tuition can now be paid online at the following link

This can be found on the website under important links-pay online-elementary school.