Welcome to the Rosicrucians in Kentucky!
Everyone is invited to join us Wednesday afternoons for Public Teleconferences hosted by the Department of Instruction. 
AMORC members - please email us to join our members-only virtual discussion group.

Greetings Beloved Fratres, Sorores, and Seekers!!

These past years have been ones of transformation! The entire world is adjusting to a new way of doing things, and change is not always easy, but I am so proud of the Rosicrucian teachings and the tools they provide to help us during these times.

Seekers and Rosicrucian students are invited to attend in-person Open Meetings.  The Louisville Discussion Group generally meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month and starting in June, the Lexington Discussion Group will host meetings on the 3rd Saturday.  These meetings are a great opportunity to join with others of like mind, ask questions, and learn more about the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and its teachings.  

AMORC Members are also invited to participate in a virtual discussion group for AMORC members on the 2nd Saturday of the month - please email us for additional information.

I also encourage you to continue to take advantage of opportunities to meet with us virtually, as the English Grand Lodge and many of its regions have stepped up to provide virtual events (e.g., Zoom teleconferences) for both AMORC members and seekers to learn and discuss a vast assortment of topics. We are primarily using social media sites including Facebook and Meetup to provide information on these virtual events, and the individual pages for our Discussion Groups also have calendars with the events. 

I hope you choose to join us virtually or in person as you journey along your personal mystical path!!

Wishing You Peace Profound,

Nathan Norris

Grand Councilor, Midwest Region

The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a community of seekers who study and practice the metaphysical laws governing the universe. The Order can help you find the answers to questions such as, Who am I? What is self? What is my purpose? What can I accomplish in life? Is there more to this wonderful universe than what I see around me?

The teachings of the Order cover topics such as meditation, the human aura, metaphysical healing, spiritual alchemy, visualization, the origin of diseases, awakening psychic consciousness, and much more.

The Rosicrucian Order gives members spiritual wisdom, expanded awareness, and mastery of life. 

Join the Rosicrucian Order here.

Members can use the online Rosicrucian Community to contact members in their region and all over the jurisdiction of the English Grand Lodge for the Americas and Caribbean. Affiliated Bodies also use this site to announce their meetings and events. 

Find other Affiliated Bodies

To enhance your membership experience, we encourage you to engage with local groups (Affiliated Bodies or ABs) - please see the Rosicrucian Groups page to find current Affiliated Bodies in your area or in other states and provinces you are planning to visit.

Start a group in your area of Kentucky

Discussion Groups are small gatherings of Rosicrucians and Seekers who periodically meet to discuss topics of interest and how they relate to Rosicrucian principles.  There are no officers or administrative requirements; if you are a member of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and would like to start a group in your area, please email us for direction.   

Other Rosicrucian Resources