Taho Wallet | The wallet web3 deserves 

Taho Wallet (formerly known as Tally Ho Wallet) is a browser-based, open-source, and community-owned Web3 crypto wallet that permits users to transact, store, swap, or trade crypto tokens and connect to the dApps (decentralized applications) on ETH (Ethereum) and other supported chains. Taho works like the MetaMask Wallet, which aims to replace MetaMask as a wallet of choice for DeFi (decentralized finance) or Web3 users. Moreover, unlike the Web3 wallets owned and managed by centralized corporations, users of the Taho Wallet via a DAO structure own and operate it. Also, the revenue earned by the wallet goes back to the community via the DAO. 

Developers have designed Taho with the view that Web3 must be created on Web3 principles or technology and not employ a centralized Web2 approach to development. Taho Wallet is accessible as a web browser extension for Firefox, Brave, and Chrome, with a mobile app designed for its phase development coming soon.

Why Use Taho Wallet extension? 

The wallet is still in Beta but has some features worth highlighting here. 

A More Accessible and Open Web3

Taho stands for community hold over centralized profiteering, open source over restrictive licensing, and access over privilege. If it intentionally creates open-source, decentralized, community-owned infrastructure to restore present centralized monopolies. Taho is a decentralized, community-owned wallet supporting a decentralized world's longevity.   

Add Several Addresses

Users can add multiple addresses to their Taho Wallet with one tap. This is handy when users must maintain anonymity or diversify their risk over different wallet addresses as they interact with various decentralized applications. 

Moreover, it is for accounting purposes and holding assets for different activities. For instance, users can create several addresses and use one for staking, another for trading, etc. You can take it forward by utilizing a separate address for each chain. 


Recently, Taho has launched its in-wallet Swap service, which lets you swap one crypto token for another on supported chains. This swap feature works in the same manner as the MetaMask Swaps but prices 50 percent less in swap fees. On the other hand, MetaMask takes a 1% swap fee, Taho takes 0.5% for each swap, and the fees go to the community (users) via the DAO.

Ledger Support

Taho supports a Ledger hardware wallet, which allows users to connect their hardware wallet to their Taho Wallet

Open Source and Free

Users can fork or contribute to the Taho code for their work. And such forks are free and open-source for anyone to reuse and access.

Guide to Get Started with Taho Wallet Extension

Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I swap tokens on Taho Wallet?

First, sign in to your Taho Wallet and tap on the Swap tab on the homepage. 

How do I rename addresses on Taho Wallet?

Access your Taho Wallet using the sign-in credentials. 

How much does it cost to use Taho Wallet?

Taho takes a 0.5 percent swap fee, and that revenue goes to its community. So by using Taho Wallet, users get to pay the lowest fees, Keep more of their benefits, and use the wallet's development.