Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Benefits

Coconut oil is an increasingly popular natural product for its cosmetic properties. It is excellent for our hair because it manages to nourish it without leaving a greasy feeling. Learn how to use coconut oil on hair and enjoy this hair rejuvenator available to everyone.

There are different ways to use coconut oil for hair. Some people prefer to simplify it and buy branded products. Other people prefer to use it in its natural state. The latter is excellent because organic coconut oil maintains many beneficial properties that are further enhanced when applied to hair without chemicals.

Whatever the form, the benefits of hair oils are many and have to do with their natural ability to hydrate and protect against the damage of environmental pollution, chemicals and excess heat caused by the hairdryer or the flat iron.

The ways to use coconut oil for hair vary depending on your goals and needs. It is not the same if you want to moisturize the ends or if you are looking to combat dandruff. In the different cases, you will use the oil in a specific way, following a step by step designed for that purpose.

How to use coconut oil as a conditioner?

What will happen in all cases is that you will notice the change. Dare to try it! Thanks to its texture, benefits, and rich aroma, coconut oil fulfils the role of a conditioner very well. Its first benefit is that it prevents you from continuing to contaminate your hair and scalp with harsh chemicals. It will also nourish your roots and strengthen them because it provides proteins, vitamins and minerals.

There are two options: Use two tablespoons of organic coconut oil. Apply it to your hair after shampooing, combing it with your fingers from the middle to the ends.

Then rinse it off with plenty of water. For a more profound treatment, take two tablespoons of coconut oil, apply it to your dry hair from the ends to the roots and massage. Then cover it with a shower cap and let it work for about an hour. Then rinse with plenty of water and comb through.

Coconut Oil For Hair Growth

Coconut oil can be one of your great allies to stimulate the growth of hair. Being composed of essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants, coconut oil strengthens and repairs damaged or weak fibers and prevents shedding.

It also has lauric acid, which helps it grow longer and increases hair volume.

How to use it: mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with six drops of vitamin E. To make the mixture even more uniform, we recommend that you heat it very gently (keep it warm). With your hands, rub the oil over your scalp in circular motions.

If you have damaged ends, you can apply a little of the mixture to them. Then, cover your hair with a cap and let the substance work overnight. The next morning rinse your hair. You can do it up to three times a week.

Coconut Oil For Dandruff

Dandruff is treated with coconut oil along with its annoying symptoms since it has antifungal and antibacterial properties in its composition. When you use it, you will notice that it relieves your itching sensation since it calms the irritation of the scalp and makes the flaking less.

In other words, it not only benefits you in terms of appearance but also improves hair health.

How to use it: you will need two tablespoons of coconut oil and five drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix them until you get a homogeneous substance. Gently massage in a circle, apply the mixture to the scalp and along with the hair. Then cover it with a shower cap for 30 minutes.

To achieve a more practical effect, you can repeat this hair treatment every three days.

Coconut Oil As Hair Wax

Coconut oil is perfect as a natural replacement for hair wax.

You can use it to straighten and polish your hair on those days when it is uncontrollable due to humidity and frizz. Another benefit of coconut oil on the hair is that it protects it from the fierce heat of the hairdryer or the flat iron (it also prevents damage from ultraviolet rays.

How to use it: put a teaspoon of coconut oil in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and apply the product to all those frizzy, frizzy or electrified areas. You don't need to rinse it off unless your hair is matted. Excellent for achieving a wet look The wet look has been a trend in recent times.

Coconut oil is a great ally to achieve this, maintaining a shiny and "wet" finish for longer.

How to apply it: all you have to do is use a generous amount of extra virgin coconut oil on the area of ​​your hair that you want to style. Then, style your hair with a fine-bristle comb to give it a wave and shape. You can pull all your hair back and leave it loose, or you can tie it up with a ponytail, very chic too.

Coconut Oil to fight nits and lice

It is very beneficial to combat head lice, as it effectively attacks the invasions of nits and lice. Its use to eliminate lice in children has many benefits: Avoid applying chemicals to the little ones who have the most sensitive skin. It has antibacterial properties that act against lice by "ruining" their environment. Its oily texture makes removing nits easier (and with less hair "pulling"). Coconut oil to fight lice: How to use it: you will need a tablespoon of coconut oil, six drops of tea tree essential oil and another 6 of anise essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients until you achieve a homogeneous substance and apply it all over the scalp, massaging circularly. I covered my hair with a shower cap for an hour. Then apply heat to the hair, either with a blow dryer or by exposing it to the sun for 20 minutes. Then pass the fine comb through the hair as many times as you want and, finally, rinse with plenty of warm water. Repeat 3 times a week. Home remedies to eliminate lice and nits permanently It may interest you: Home remedies to eliminate lice and nits Tip: make sure you get organic and not refined coconut oil, since, with the first, you will get better results because it preserves all its properties.