About Justin Scott Cherry Hill, NJ

Meet Justin Scott Cherry Hill, NJ, an esteemed elder law attorney hailing from Cherry Hill, NJ. His career is marked by a commitment to excellence and a knack for adapting to the dynamic nature of his field.

Educational Background and Career History

Justin obtained his B.S. from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, before pursuing his Juris Doctorate at Liberty University School of Law. His career commenced with a clerkship at a law firm in Washington, D.C., where he honed his skills.

With a keen ability to learn quickly and make sound decisions, he swiftly advanced in estate planning and elder law. His dedication to growth allowed him to navigate the ever-changing legal landscape in his specialized field.

Professional Accolades and Associations

Justin's dedication has not gone unnoticed. He received the prestigious Avvo "Client Choice Award" in 2016 and was honored as a "Top Attorney" in 2019 and 2020. His engaging speaking engagements on estate planning and elder law topics further showcase his leadership.

Committed to excellence, he is an active member of various legal organizations, including the New Jersey State Bar Association and the Camden County Bar Association.


Justin Scott Cherry Hill, NJ's expertise is reflected in his authored works, including "Senior Shakedown: The Unknown Dangers of Getting Old, and How to Protect Your Loved Ones" (2016), "Dementia: What You Must Know to Protect Your Loved One" (2017), and "Steps After Stroke" (2018). Through these publications, he demonstrates his commitment to spreading awareness about elder law.

Community Involvement

Despite his busy schedule, he remains engaged with his community through initiatives like the Camden County Bar's Adopt a Family program. His involvement underscores his belief in giving back and driving positive change.

Personal Life

Outside of work, he treasures moments with his daughter, Sofia. He enjoys traveling, attending Broadway shows, cheering on Philadelphia sports teams, and playing golf. His ability to balance his interests with his professional life enhances his well-rounded character.

Justin L. Scott Esq. embodies competence and compassion in his role as an elder law attorney. His adaptability, guidance, and commitment to ongoing education continue to distinguish him both personally and professionally.