Hi my lovely readers, welcome to my official website! I've been thinking about "going big" for a while now, I am so thankful to those who helped me through all this hardships, especially thanks to the Bluee sisters.

So, a little info about my self:

FAV ACTIVITY: Reading and riding my bicycle!
FAV PERSON(S): My fam!
BESTIE: Bluee sisters
FAV BOOK(for now): -Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens -Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
FAV MOVIE: Cruella!
FAV COLOR: Lavender purple and mint green


I work with the Bluee Team, they helped me to accomplish a lot of my work, my book... They even helped me create this website! Super huge thanks to the Bluee sisters!!


You can contact me by going to my social medias account, leave a comment or DM, remember to tell me in your text how you know me!!

e.g. [Hi! This is __(your name)__ , I would like to get to know you because __(your reason)__, text back when you're free!]

Annnnd, I'll text back after a few days!!