Divorce Roanoke Virginia Lawyer Child Custody


Crafting The Right Agreement Requires Right Guidance

If you are a resident of Roanoke VA and are witnessing a distressing phase in your marriage, you require professional assistance. We have seen clients who have given several chances for the marriage to work but have failed. If you believe you are one such person, then divorce is a wise decision. However, you should know that the divorce decision even if mutually agreed, results in difficult situations. Not only are you emotionally involved but you are also unable to understand the complex requirements of the Roanoke VA divorce. At this point you need to contact the Roanoke lawyers at The Law Offices Of SRIS, P.C. Our Roanoke lawyers can provide you with unique techniques to solve the VA divorce dispute. Our lawyers have been consulted by several Roanoke clients for guidance on how to proceed with a mutually agreed VA divorce. One of the crucial stages of a VA Roanoke divorce process includes designing an agreement that covers all aspects of the divorce. 

Before commencing a divorce in VA, you should consult the Roanoke lawyers to understand the terms included in a marital agreement. You should make sure you understand every single term used in the document. If you need any clarification about any provision in the document, the same should be clarified with a divorce lawyer immediately. A property settlement arrangement drafted by Roanoke VA lawyers allows the parties to control how they want assets and debts classified to conform to their wishes rather than have it imposed upon them by a court’s order.

An efficiently negotiated property settlement agreement by the skilled lawyers in Roanoke VA serves as the framework for how a married couple agrees to a divorce and move on with their lives. It is a fact that the divorce process is quick when marital issues and property matters are resolved in advance, say Roanoke VA lawyers. Such a VA divorce unquestionably saves time, money, and unnecessary emotional conflicts.

While You May Draft Your Property Settlement Agreement, Never Attempt It!!

The experienced Roanoke VA lawyers know how to perfectly write provisions that essentially matter in your post-divorce life. Lawyers in Roanoke VA who are skilled in creating agreements will carefully include language that can make the arrangement solid. Also, our skilled lawyers in Roanoke VA will focus on fixing up loose ends and sealing loopholes during the VA divorce process. If you wish to draft an unambiguous agreement, seeking the assistance of VA lawyers is crucial during the divorce. The main task involved in perfecting the document is aggressively negotiating for provisions to be worded according to your preference. You can confidently leave this job to the adept VA Roanoke lawyers. It is an undeniable fact that many conflicts and disputes after the divorce can be avoided if separating couples allow their lawyers to make the agreements as detailed and comprehensive as possible, say VA Roanoke lawyers.

Why Is The Separation Date A Key Aspect In Settlement?

Most clients who consult the professional Roanoke lawyers in VA are not aware of their accurate date of separation. In a divorce process that involves a marital agreement, the separation date is required to be expressly mentioned in the divorce complaint. Clients in Roanoke VA often question VA lawyers as to why the date is so important. The adept Roanoke lawyers in VA will tell you that it is the separation date that decides the nature of the assets. Establishing the date the parties agreed to stay apart is essential to classify property as separate or marital. Under the VA law, real and personal property purchased after the Roanoke couple separate is treated as separate and is not subject to distribution in a divorce. Accordingly, a proper marital settlement agreement will contain provisions that specify which assets and liabilities are subject to property division, and the respective percentages each party is entitled to receive. This is also the case with debts incurred by each spouse during the separation.

Everything Is Titled In My Spouse’s Name Will I Get A Share?

Clients in Roanoke often come to VA lawyers in a stressed state of mind with questions about whether they are entitled to a share in properties titled in the names of their spouses. The Roanoke VA lawyers will elucidate that in VA, if the property is acquired during the marriage, it is presumed to be marital property and will be considered in the overall division of property by a VA divorce court, regardless of how it is titled. Likewise, if a debt was incurred during the marriage, it is presumed to be a marital debt and may be allocated between the parties, regardless of in whose name it is titled. Classification of property can be complex in a Roanoke divorce. You should discuss with your VA lawyers to be fully informed about how the divorce court will address these issues.

A Flawless Property Settlement Agreements Will Explain About Property Division And Support Payments

A document can be considered to be clear only if includes provisions indicating how property is to be split between the parties. Also, your Roanoke divorce lawyers will tell you that the document should state how much a spouse will receive in support payments and the period of the obligation. If there is no spousal support, your Roanoke property settlement agreement should acknowledge that the support has been waived.

Comprehensive Property Settlement Agreements Provide For How Tax Obligations And Benefits Are To Be Handled

After a divorce, parties are often confronted with the question of how tax is to be filed in the current year and how tax benefits are to be divided. Signing an agreement before the Roanoke divorce that expressly mentions terms related to tax filing can be a huge relief. Claiming the children as dependents, mortgage interest deductions, and other income tax issues can be resolved by agreement to avoid conflicts after the divorce. Your Roanoke lawyers will apprise you that each spouse may be assigned a portion of federal and state taxes on property that will be divided or dissolved during the divorce.

The Challenge In Dividing Retirement Benefits In The Agreement

Most Roanoke clients find it difficult to understand the division of retirement accounts and meet their lawyers with several uncertainties about the process. A properly drafted separation agreement by qualified lawyers will effectively divide pensions and retirements. A military spouse in Roanoke must seek counsel from qualified military divorce lawyers to help draft the separation document. In many cases, the separation agreement must have the correct language dividing the military retirement before DFAS makes the payment to the former spouse. If a separation agreement is executed without the proper language, then there may be no way for the former spouse to collect his or her share of the pension.

Will Real Estate Be Sold?

The question of whether your property will be sold remains unsettled without an agreement. Seek guidance from the professional Roanoke divorce lawyers about how the document should be worded if you intend to sell all properties. Experienced Roanoke divorce lawyers will warn you that these are complicated matters with loopholes that could get you entangled in a VA lawsuit for years. It could temporarily halt the sale of your property and cost you thousands of dollars. It is always best to hire VA Roanoke lawyers to get a perfect divorce agreement and avoid future disputes. Therefore, the priority is to talk to lawyers about a divorce agreement that meets your present and future requirements.

Is Your Agreement Valid?

Property settlement agreements are contracts and must meet certain requirements to be enforceable by a court. For more information about such requirements, speak to our Roanoke VA lawyers. One of the basic requirements is that it should be a full and straightforward disclosure: An agreement can be invalid if a court determines it is unconscionable. The divorce lawyers in Roanoke VA will clarify that the use of fraud, duress, undue influence, or coercion to compel a person to agree to the terms of a separation agreement could result in a VA judge refusing to enforce the agreement against that individual. Such contracts must be freely and voluntarily entered into by the parties to be enforceable in court, say VA divorce lawyers. Once an agreement is signed in Roanoke, its provisions are binding on the parties. Concerning the issues of property division and spousal support, the court does not have the authority to change a valid agreement. So your agreement in Roanoke must be chalked out and negotiated correctly with a full understanding of the VA divorce laws. One way to help ensure the validity of a separation agreement is to have each party properly represented by VA divorce lawyers. This way neither party can claim they were under duress or did not understand the document at the time of signing.

Terminating a relationship that you believed to be permanent can be one of the most difficult decisions of your life. During these difficult times, it is important to speak to our experienced lawyers at The Law Offices Of SRIS, P.C. to understand the process and make informed decisions.

Roanoke City Circuit Court

P. O. Box 2610
315 West Church Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24010-2610

Roanoke City General District Court

315 W. Church Ave. S.W.
2nd Floor
Roanoke, VA 24016-5007

Roanoke City Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

315 W. Church Ave. S.W
1st Floor
Roanoke, VA 24016-5024