Upcoming Events

Welcome to the Upcoming Events page. In this page, you could see what is going to happen in RTE and the upcoming events in RTE.

Also, attend to our Digital Learning Night at Ramirez Thomas in April 27. All families will come to Ramirez Thomas and learn about digital technology. You will learn about

-Meow Wolf Project -Show Me -First In Math -Kahoot -Code.org -Class Dojo -Typing Club -Khan Academy - MackinVIA - Ramirez Thomas Digital Learning Project -and many more!

Ramirez Thomas Student Council Digital Learning Team - Final

Join us on April 27 to learn about how we use technology here at Ramirez Thomas. Also there will be door prizes and a raffle. Thank You.

Also, on April 28, RTE will have the dress as a teacher day!!!

This is about kids dressing as their favorite teacher. You can even discuss how you and your teacher should look like. It could even be a teacher that is in another school. Participate and Enjoy!!!!