The Workshop
Type of event: Half-day workshop.
Date/Time: Monday 5 March, 2018, 1.30-5.00pm
Type of participation: Mixed participation. Both participants with a paper submission (following an open call, add link to CfP) and other members of the LAK community.
The half-day workshop schedule aims to provide an intense, balanced and flexible context in which both researchers, teachers and technology developers will be actively engaged. Also, it aims to create the best conditions for the creation of a sustained community involving these stakeholders regarding adoption of learning analytics.
A. Introducing people and ideas (80min)
A.1 Warm up (20 minutes): Sharing the workshop objectives with participants, letting them know each other, and creating the initial conditions for an engaging work in groups
A.2 Initial framework proposals (20 minutes): The organizers will present the OrLA framework, as a starting point for the discussion, together with other alternative classroom-level frameworks/schemes for LA adoption submitted by participants. This activity builds on existing materials to be shared (before the workshop) through the workshop website and the call for contributions. These frameworks aim to reinforce a shared understanding of the problem, as well as provide a common structure to submitted proposals, and of the underlying issues.
A.3 Pecha Kucha-like presentations of accepted contributions (40 minutes): Authors of the 5-8 accepted contributions will make short presentations. In these presentations, they may focus on specific features of the OrLA (and other) conceptual frameworks, map concrete case studies and findings to them, show the need and feasibility of boundary objects that align stakeholders, or even propose alternative formulations of the framework or other artifacts to scaffold inter-stakeholder communication.
B. Collaborative groupwork (60min)
B.1 Discussion in small groups (30 minutes): The participants split to small groups in order to discuss the framework proposals, assuming their perspective as different stakeholders (teacher, technology designer, researcher), and looking for the most suitable boundary objects that may support their communication needs towards a decision on LA adoption.
B.2 Reporting back and whole group discussion (30 minutes): Using a jigsaw scheme, the expert groups that reflect the views of the stakeholders report back to the whole workshop, followed by discussion in terms of the main issues and proposals.
C. Synthesis and next steps (30min)
C.1 Synthesis and further steps (30 minutes): The organizers will provide a synthesis of the output of the workshop through a shared document, allowing for the integration of new proposals and comments by the participants in real time. The future steps towards the establishment of a community will also be discussed, which may include a journal special issue, a follow-up workshop in the frame of LAK19 or other related conferences, or the creation of a virtual community to share experiences and refined boundary objects around inter-stakeholder communication for LA adoption.