Materials and outcomes
Background materials
Background materials
- OrLA paper preprint (a paper describing a conceptual framework to think and communicate about LA adoption, and the literature review that lead to it)
- OrLA stakeholder forms (to gather information and gain common ground among researchers, teachers and technology developers)
- Simple OrLA framework (main issues to consider in the adoption of learning analytics at the classroom-level)
- SCAT OrLA framework (main issues to consider in learning analytics adoption, organized around socio-cultural activity theory notions)
Accepted submissions
Accepted submissions

Workshop slides
Workshop slides
- Main workshop slides
- Example 1: PredictCS: Personalizing Programming Learning by Leveraging Learning Analytics (Azcona, Hsiao & Smeaton)
- Example 2: Learning Analytics Classroom Hacks: Examples from an Australian University (Dawkins)
- Example 3: LessonSpectrum: Visualizing Teaching and Learning Activities in English Conversation Lessons (Liang, Nishimura, Nishimura & Chapa-Martell)
- Example 4: Towards a Comprehensive Learning Analytics Methodology for a Real Educational Platform: A Case Study (de-la-Fuente-Valentín, Zhang, Arakistain, Zheng & Burgos)
- Example 5: A Decision Support System for online teachers based on student similarities (de-la-Fuente-Valentín & Burgos)
- Example 6: Measuring Impact of S3 Adoption on At-Risk Students (Shehata)
Workshop outcomes
Workshop outcomes