The Tools

We show the tools which we have. (The photos are from HARIYA Ryota)

Pieces (zuo1)

These are wooden pieces moved by players.

Board (tak1)

This is a playing field made from cloth. It consists of eighty-one grids.

Sticks (xy1)

These are sticks made from bamboo. Each person has five sticks to throw. The dark side is counted as one, whereas the light side is zero; they are used for randomizer that takes the value from zero to five. If you don't have them in your set, you use the "zero" pieces instead of the sticks.

Counters (mak2 la1)

These are counters. Normally, white ones are for one point, red ones are for five points, and black ones are for twenty-five points. Since it is very easy to lose or damage them, our Association sometimes uses dyed toothpicks for this purpose.

Scoreboard (mak2 io1)

A board used to keep track of points. It is used in place of the counters mentioned above. It is customary to use an Empty piece to indicate the score and the multiplier, and Red Tam2 is used to indicate the season.

When storing

When storing, the board should wrap around the pieces and sticks, and be tied with a string.