College of Liberal Arts (CLA)

College of Liberal Arts (CLA)

The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) has a wide range of majors like Psychology, Dance, Earth Science, and Anthropology.


The majority of majors in CLA require 4 semesters of a second language (or equivalent, which means you can test out of some or all levels if you have previous experience). If you are leaning toward a CLA major, it would be great to get a head start on a language while in PSEO. Here is a list of the languages offered here.

What if I'm undecided?

That’s OK! If you’re undecided then you probably have lots of interests—which makes you a great liberal arts student. In CLA we offer many majors that students rarely consider before they come here, subjects like: American studies, art history, Chicano/Latino studies, classics, philosophy, or urban studies. You can be successful in CLA whether you decided your major when you were 12 years old or you keep changing your mind.

Learn about the research and creative work happening in CLA.

Learn about the BA/MD joint admissions program.

Learn the differences between the Computer Science B.S. vs Computer Science B.A. degrees.

After PSEO

    • During your freshman year in CLA you'll be required to take CLA 1001 and 1002 which is CLA's first year experience course. The course challenges students to think outside of the box. They will learn effective study habits, goal setting, and career preparation. Most importantly, CLA 1001 and 1002 offers students a space to learn more about themselves, meet other students, and prepare for the future. By connecting with faculty, staff, and campus resources—like the University Libraries, CLA Career Services, and the Center for Writing—students will be prepared for the rest of their university experience and beyond. PSEO students cannot be exempted from this course.

    • One way this course is particularly helpful for PSEO students is by getting you connected with career resources during your "freshman" year. Since you may be graduating early depending on how many credits you earn in PSEO, it is important to connect with career resources early!