College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS)

The College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) has majors like Animal Science, Food Science, and Sustainable Systems Management. 


Some great exploratory courses for PSEO students to take are:

Pre-Veterinary Science

The Animal Science and Fisheries and Wildlife majors have pre-vet tracks built in to them.

VetFAST (Veterinary Food Animal Scholars) Program is an accelerated program that guarantees admission to UM vet med (DVM- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) after earning an Animal Science CFANS BS. 

Applied Economics major in CFANS vs. Economics major in CLA

Student Groups

Some student groups PSEO students might look into include Women in Natural Resource-Related Sciences, Minorities in Natural Resource-Related Sciences, and Tree Ascension Group as examples.