Frequently Asked Questions


What is Sandbox?

Sandbox is formally known as the Singh Family Sandbox Makerspace. The Singh family generously donated the space to be used by undergrads to expand their knowledge past their academic discipline. We were formally located in the old Computer Science Instructional Center, but have since relocated. The Sandbox has gone by several other names: sandbox makerspace, Iribe makerspace, Brenden Iribe Center makerspace, Singh sandbox, etc.. We encourage anyone of any skill level to have a place to learn, discover, and create.

Who wrote that last git, your marketing department? Where can I find out the real scoop on the rules? What's the nitty gritty on what tools you have?

Slow your roll, Ace. One question at a time. And who says things like 'real scoop' and 'nitty gritty' anyway? To find out more about the tools and rules at Sandbox, check out our Wiki.

Who runs this space?

Sandbox is run by students and supported by faculty in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS). Student organizers make the space operate, and UMIACS faculty make the space possible.

Who can work in Sandbox?

We welcome people from all disciplines and backgrounds. The most exciting work comes from people of different fields coming together to collaborate and try new things. We are open to the entire UMD community including faculty, staff, graduate students, and of course, undergraduates. Unfortunately, we are not able to welcome Alumni and College Park neighbors not afiliated with the University.

What can I do in Sandbox?

Almost anything! Sandbox is a productive space that aims to provide resources to enable you to make or do whatever kind of creative project you want. We want to be as flexible as possible, so if there’s something we’re missing that you think could make the space better and more useful, add it to our suggestions list!

Where is Sandbox?

Sandbox is located in IRB 1231, the second floor of the Brenden Iribe Center. Go up the elevator and go straight. We are at the end of the hall.

What does it cost me to use Sandbox?

It’s free! The goal of Sandbox is to put the ability to make things in the hands of every student, so we provide our resources free of cost. We do have some consumable resources available to use in your projects, but we ask you to use them courteously; leave enough for everyone! If you have a project that would use up most or all of Sandbox’s supply of a consumable, please provide your own.


Who are the managers?

Managers are students who have demonstrated a committed interest in using, mentoring in, and maintaining the space.

What do managers do?

You don’t have to be a member to hack or learn at Sandbox. Being a manager means you’re committed to actively maintaining and improving the Sandbox space and community. Managers receive swipe access to the space so they can open the door for the public to use the space. Keeping the space open to the public is the main function of managers. Managers are also encouraged to represent Sandbox and promote the space at various events, other makerspaces, etc.

How can I become a Sandbox manager?

A student must be an active user of Sandbox for at least one month and have demonstrated an interest in improving the community. Then, they can apply for manager-ship.

Accessing Sandbox

Do I need to be a manager of Sandbox to access it?

Nope! Anyone can work in Sandbox whenever a manager is present.

What are the hours of Sandbox, and how can I get in?

Sandbox is open whenever managers are present. Our official hours are on our Wiki (click here)

How can I find out if Sandbox is currently open?

Soon you’ll be able to check in on our website to see if the door is open or closed. Check in soon for more details on this.

How do I get swipe access?

Only managers have swipe access. There should be enough managers that Sandbox is either always open or can be opened by a manager when you need it. However, if you want swipe access and the other responsibilities of a manager, you can apply for manager-ship.

What if I want to use the space but there’s no managers present?

If Sandbox is closed, you can try posting in the Facebook page ( to see if any managers are planning on coming by.

Tools + Space

Which tools can I use?

Once you're enrolled in our Canvas course, watched the introduction video & passed the short safety quiz there, you can use any of our tools, although some of the power tools require a quick safety certification. (Training courses require a UMD Directory ID)

Can I take materials and tools out of the room?

Tools should not be taken out of the room. If anyone is in Sandbox at any time and wants to use a tool, it should always be there. Our consumable materials can leave the room if it’s a part of a project you’ve built. We prefer that you don’t walk off with individual components and pieces to go work on your project elsewhere. We don’t want to be a free parts catalog.

Can I move furniture around?

Yes! We encourage you to adapt the space to meet the needs of whatever you’re trying to do. Just make sure that what you’re doing doesn’t get in the way of other people trying to use the space. If you’re moving a table, check the underside of the table and make sure the power strip isn’t plugged into anything.

Can I leave my project here?

We have lockers that you can check out to store smaller projects. Just ask the manager in the room and we’ll get you set up. We also have a project room where you can store larger projects. However, security cannot be guaranteed.