UC Online Call for Proposals: 2022–2023

UC Online Course Development Funding

Funding is available for the development of online courses that will be open to students across the UC system. Courses must be offered at least five times over five academic years. Proposals must be supported by a department chair and dean, and proposals from lecturers must include a senate faculty co-PI. Funding is restricted to undergraduate courses. The deadline to propose a course has been extended to March 13.

Priority for funding will be given to the following:

Before you submit a proposal, consult with your dean and department chair, and inform the campus UC Online Liaisons of your intentions (Herbie Lee and Michael Tassio). Proposals must include a budget. Click here for a copy of the budget template.  Please find a preview of the questions in the application form below. 

Application Form Preview

1a. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (PI):  Last Name, First Name

1b. PI: Email Address

2a. CO-PIs:  Last Name, First Name

2b. CO-PIs: Email Address (separate each email with a comma).

3a. CAMPUS: (for multi-campus collaboration: select all campuses that have agreed to participate in this project)

3b. MULTI-CAMPUS COLLABORATION: Contact Information: Please provide first name, last name and an email for each additional contact. Separate each contact with a semicolon.

4. PROJECT CATEGORY (Select “Courses.”)

6a. PROJECT TITLE. (for courses, please provide the course code and course name):

6b. ABSTRACT. Please include an abstract of your funding request. Limit 250 words.

6c. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Please include a brief description of your funding request.

7. CROSS-CAMPUS IMPACT. How will this project request support the online work on your campus and other campuses?


9. GOOGLE SHEET LINK. Please provide the link to your completed google sheet.

General Access: (Make sure to change general access to "anyone with the link" and role to "edit.")

10. CONFIRMATION. I confirm that I have discussed the proposal with my department chair, dean of my college or senior administrator and UC Online Liaison and have their support for this project.

11. EMAIL/CONTACT INFO. Please provide an email for your department chair, dean of your college or administrator supporting this request (separate each email with a comma):

12. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Additional comments and/or response regarding support from your department chair, dean of your college or senior administrator.




Funding is available for the development and enhancement of fully online courses, course sequences, minors or programs that are developed, offered and open to students across campuses through the cross-campus enrollment system (CCES). The approved course must be opened to cross-campus enrollment (five times in five years, excluding summer offerings). Courses should emphasize elements of digital inclusion and be designed to enrich and enhance student opportunities to learn and succeed. 

Recommended Award: A maximum of $50K/course.


Funding is available for systemwide professional development (online and in-person) that supports digital inclusion efforts. Possible projects include: professional development for faculty in online teaching to ensure student success, and the like. Priority will be given to online professional development that is open across the system and involves three or more campuses.


Funding is available for systemwide research projects that focus on online course efficacy, analysis of existing data on online courses, closing equity/performance gaps in online courses, and any new research that focuses on issues related to DEI & A.  



The UC Online Leadership team requests that you share your findings or results at the conclusion project. Additionally, we ask that you submit a final expense report at the conclusion of the project.


Please submit a separate project form and accompanying budget for each project on how you plan to allocate the block funds awarded to you.


Monday, March 6, 2023, 5:00 pm