Ledger Wallet Extension : Most Secure Crypto Wallet extension

A guide to the Ledger Wallet Extension and its setup 

Ledger is a hardware wallet that also has an extension to ease up the accessibility with the connection to Web3 applications. You can have access to it with the dApps directly, with the help of your Ledger hardware device. In this guide, we will help you understand the ins and outs of the Ledger Wallet Extension

How to use Ledger Extension?

Let us begin with the working of Ledger Extension, you all must know how the hardware wallet works. However, learning about the hardware wallet extension is a relatively new concept. The Ledger wallet extension shows its compatibility with the Ethereum and the Polygon-based platforms as well. It is also compatible with the web browsers such as MacOS, iOS, and Safari. It is disappointing for people to know that they cannot use Ledger Extension with Google Chrome as nearly half of the population has it as its default browser. However, as per the recent announcements made, the developers are working on extending the compatibility with Opera, Google Chrome, Windows, Brave, and Edge. It is perfect for every person who wants to keep their crypto assets safe and trade without having to worry about anything.

Reasons to use Ledger Wallet Extension

Friendly Interface

With its simple interface, you’ll have no problem dealing with the platform's features. Every professional or fresher will have no problem dealing with the digital assets here. It makes the tasks like sending and receiving crypto assets appear pretty simple. 

Better Security

The Ledger Wallet Extension has a top-notch security level for the stored assets. The wallet keeps the private key of the account of users in an offline storage mode. This reduces the risk of falling into malware and phishing attacks, or any other cyber security hack. 

Device Compatibility

The Ledger Wallet Extension is supported by several popular web browsers such as Safari, and Firefox. Soon enough Ledger Live Extension on Web will be available for users of Google Chrome, Opera, Brave, etc. Till then you can access your account comfortably with the supported web browsers.

Transaction Management

Users have the option to check the ensure the transactions made by the users through the hardware wallet device via Wallet extension. With this, you can double-check the transaction details before you finalize it and move further with the payment, thus it lowers the chances of making any accidental transaction to the wrong wallet address or of the wrong transaction amount.

Download Ledger Wallet Extension Steps

After going through the features, you must want to use this wallet extension on your device. To do so, you’ll need its extension application and most importantly the hardware wallet device of Ledger. Without the device, you cannot set up your wallet account on the hardware wallet. If you have the device with you, then follow the steps below:

Extension Installation

And with this, the installation is complete of the Extension.     

Turning On the Ledger

Permission Allowing

Final Setup Steps

And that’s all, with this you can now utilize the astonishing features available on the Ledger Wallet Extension for its traders. 

How to Connect Ledger Extension with dApps?

Several of the deFi applications and the NFT marketplaces show its compatibility with the OpenSea, Aave, 1inch, Rarible, and many more extensions on the Ledger. In this section of the write-up we will discuss about OpenSea platform connection with Ledger Extension:

Connecting Ledger Extension to a dApp

Transaction Check

Summing it Up!

The Ledger Wallet Extension is a seamless method to handle all the digital assets you hold. However, some people do not wish to use the hardware wallet extension, so for them, the developers have a software application that you can connect with your hardware wallet. This will also give you world-class security measures, just like the extension does. The name of the application is Ledger Live, you can learn more about this wallet extension through this link https://www.ledger.com/ledger-live. On the website, you’ll find all the necessary things and points one needs to know about the wallet. Even though the concept of hardware wallets is relatively new and different from software wallets, its easy-to-use features make it more bearable. We’re anticipating that with our guide you can easily handle the wallet setup without encountering any issues.