Ledger.Com/Start | Live to start setting up your device

Exploring the user guide of Ledger.Com/Start for beginners 

Ledger devices are the second most popular hardware wallet in the digital industry after Trezor Wallet. The launch of this hardware wallet was much later than the introduction of the Trezor wallet, yet somehow the wallet has managed to outshine the traders. No other hardware wallets are as popular as these two, they are each other’s biggest competitors. People seem to get more and more confused when they think about which hardware wallet they should use. Unlike software wallets, it is not that simple to switch between hardware wallets frequently. Traders have to order a hardware wallet device and then start using it. 

Investing in hardware wallets is a one-time thing. Hence the decision to choose which wallet to use is very crucial. You need perfect guidance to make this decision. However, this article is not about the guidance, it is for the people who have made their decision to use Ledger.com/start. So, let us start by learning the operating steps of this hardware wallet.

What is Ledger Live?

The holders of Ledger Nano S Plus, Nano X, etc can have the services of the Ledger Live application. Install the application by using this link https://www.ledger.com/start and start with management of your account. This application was made to ease up the hardware wallet management for the users. As you already know its operating method is different than the others therefore, to help you handle the need of having a software application intensified. People can't take their wallets everywhere and perform the long login steps of Ledger.com/start. Thus with this application, you can use your account online and track the progress made by your investments, you can also get the news on price level changes that happen from time to time. This will help you to take a look easily into your account without having to go through the lengthy hardware wallet login procedure. 

How to setup Ledger Wallet?

Hardware wallet setup procedure is fully different from the other software wallets in the market, you have to be very patient to understand the setup procedure. Only start this process if you have more than fifteen to twenty minutes to spare. This is the minimum time that would take for a person to set up the wallet if they pay close attention to the process they have to follow. Therefore, given below are the steps of setup:

With this the wallet setup is complete. You can learn some more things about the working and setting up of the wallet by visiting its official website https://www.ledger.com/. There you grasp the facts of everything about the Ledger wallet that every trader is curious to know about. Because only basic information is not enough for you.

Ledger Login

After the wallet setup, you must know the procedure of logging in as it will be useful for account access in the future. Therefore, execute the steps below sequentially to avoid the risk of any problems. If you are an existing user of Ledger but have not used your wallet for a long time, first install the Ledger Live application by using the link https://www.ledger.com/ledger-live. Press whatever installation button you are comfortable with as per your device. After that follow the below procedure.

With these four steps, the procedure of Ledger.com/start is finally complete. As a beginner, you need to be careful because you might unknowingly fall into a phishing attack which could harm the users who might fill up their important information on any website without checking on the source of that website. If you spot any suspicious message you receive on your device, then immediately report it to the concerned customer support authorities and seek their guidance in the matter. Also, if there is any trouble on the website, then first perform the basic troubleshooting measures of Ledger.com/start and next go to the support base.   

Wrapping it Up!

As your crypto advisor, we can only hope that this write-up gave you enough information to start with Ledger.com/start as a beginner. You’ll learn further details as time passes while operating on the wallet. But before you make any investment from the wallet, you must remember to take a piece of advice from a professional as it not be good to face loss in the beginning, it can demoralize the person. And gaining enough experience in the crypto trading industry. The wallet is perfect for beginners as the safety and security of the assets matter a lot to them. Though only purchase this wallet after reading out the reviews of the wallet, it is important to make the right decision in the wallet selection if you want to begin your digital asset trading.