Extemporaneous Speaking

What is Extemp?

Extemporaneous Speaking, or Extemp, aims to give students the opportunity to advocate, educate, and engage on topics relating to international and domestic politics. Through participating in extemp, you'll gain confidence in your public speaking skills, the ability to think on your feet, knowledge about politics, and a one of a kind opportunity to make an adult listen to you.

What's the format like?

Extemp is split into two sections: Domestic and International. In each respective section, competitors will draw three questions from an envelope, read them, and choose one to answer during their speech. From that moment, they have thirty minutes to prepare a seven-minute speech to deliver to a judge. During that thirty minutes, speakers read information and outline a speech, but during the speech, no notes are allowed. If that sounds scary, IT'S OK! You WILL be prepared and able to succeed in extemp. It's probably the least prep-heavy event in all of Speech & Debate, so if you have a busy schedule and want a quick event where you prepare at the tournament, extemp is the event for you!

Where can I see an example?

Right here :)

Anything else?

We'll have practices the week of the tournament and prepare on current events! This doc has practice tips.

How can I get involved?

Contact me! Check out the Meet Your Captain! section below this, and come to any debate meeting.

Meet Your Captain!

Hey! My name is Noah Schell, I'm a junior at West, and I'm the 2021-2022 Extemporaneous Speaking Captain. In Speech & Debate, I compete in extemp and policy and am on executive board. Outside debate, I love playing piano, teaching math, and spending time with my dogs. Anyway, I hope everyone tries extemp at least once! Please reach out with any questions you have about debate, school, or if you just want to eat food with me.

email: schelln5312@parkwayschools.net

phone: 314-320-8904

insta: n.schell4

contact me to be added to the GroupMe