Metamask Chrome Extension | Metamask Extension For Chrome And Firefox

A Detailed explanation of the MetaMask Chrome extension

Have you recently seen one of your friends using the MetaMask browser extension on their phones and you have been wondering if MetaMask can be used as a browser extension as well?

Well, in that case, it is true. You surely can use MetaMask as a browser extension. MetaMask has dual features enabled within it. It can be used as a browser extension as well as a wallet. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at the MetaMask Chrome extension in detail. If you are interested to know more about the duality features of MetaMask keep reading as I will be uncovering all of its secrets.

So let us begin our journey.

What is meant by MetaMask wallet? 

What do you understand by the term MetaMask wallet?

It refers to something related to a wallet right? 

That is true! MetaMask is a hot wallet that provides you with a digital wallet where you can store your crypto assets safely. This wallet is desktop and mobile friendly and is very simple to acquire. However, there is more to what the eyes see and to understand that we have provided you with some of its key features:

To access all of these wonderful features you need to have the MetaMask Chrome extension downloaded onto your browser. Since this article is focusing more on the extension service, let us learn how to download and install it.

How to download and install MetaMask browser extension?

Follow the steps mentioned below to download and install the MetaMask extension:

Congratulations! You have downloaded and installed the MetaMask extension.

Now let us take a look at the installation process of the MetaMask Chrome extension.

How to install the MetaMask extension for Chrome?

Users who wish to use MetaMask through the Chrome web browser can follow the steps enlisted below:

Congrats! You have downloaded and installed the MetaMask Chrome extension on your Chrome web browser.

Note: For those users who are using Firefox or brave web browser to surf the internet can also acquire the MetaMask extension Firefox and MetaMask brave extension on their respective browsers by following the same procedure as mentioned above for the MetaMask Chrome extension. 

Wallet creation and MetaMask extension login

In order to create your MetaMask wallet, you will need to click on the “Get Started” button which would be located on the main screen of the browser extension. Read the given points on the next page carefully and agree to them to proceed. After that, you will be required to set up a new login password and confirm the same. Following this, you will receive a seed phrase that you need to save safely. And voila, your wallet has been set up successfully.

Let us now look at the login procedure:

Note: If you are looking for the MetaMask chrome extension Android mobile then you will be highly disappointed as there is no MetaMask Chrome extension on Android mobiles. 

MetaMask extension not working: Troubleshooting steps

There could be multiple reasons why you are unable to use the MetaMask extension on your device.


The main purpose of this article was to give you a definitive idea about the popularly known MetaMask extension and make you familiar with all the services you get with it. The moment you acquire the extension, you will be able to use it without doing pretty much anything. Just open the extension whenever you feel like using it and dive into the world of web3.

Frequently Asked Questions-

How do I open a MetaMask extension? 

If you want to open the MetaMask Chrome extension on your browser, then you need to click the little puzzle icon located in the top right corner of your browser. From that puzzle icon, a list of added extensions opens, and from that, you can pick MetaMask. 

Does MetaMask have a Safari extension?

MetaMask extension is not available for the Safari browser as this extension is only supported on browsers that run on the Windows operating system. The list of browsers this extension works on are as follows: Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge. MetaMask can also be used directly from one’s phone using its mobile application version.

How do I add a MetaMask extension to my iPhone? 

Sadly, MetaMask cannot be used as an extension service on mobile devices as this feature is not available on them. So, the MetaMask extension cannot be used on the iPhone. You can alternately use MetaMask’s mobile application on your iPhone by downloading the app directly from the Apple App Store.

Does MetaMask work on Apple?

MetaMask only works on those Apple devices which have iOS software within them. Apple products such as the MacBook will not support MetaMask in any way. So, if you are looking to use MetaMask on your iPhone, then you will need to install iOS compatible MetaMask app.