Metamask Extension

MetaMask Extension- Download on Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera, or Firefox

MetaMask extension- A trustworthy Ethereum wallet

When you enter the crypto market space, you surely cannot go without creating access to safe crypto storage. In case you are dealing with crypto assets belonging to the Ethereum blockchain, then the best storage space for these crypto assets is the MetaMask Wallet. A user can easily explore and use the service offered by this wallet by installing the MetaMask extension or the app on a supported web browser. Currently, this wallet is being used by millions of people and there are many potential users who are trying to use this wallet in its best essence.

If you are also one of those new users who are planning to do so, then you can surely take a look at this article and understand whether or not this wallet is worth your consideration.

What is a MetaMask Wallet?

Launched in 2016, this crypto storage facility has been made available for users of Chrome, Firefox, and other web browsers in the form of a MetaMask extension. On the other hand, if you wish to access its services on your mobile phone, then also you can do so by installing its mobile application on your Android or iOS device. Being a non-custodial wallet, allows you to have full control over your crypto assets and be the sole manager of your funds. In simple terms, we can say that MetaMask does not have any kind of access to your funds or private keys. However, this also hints towards the fact that if a user loses his private keys, MetaMask will not be able to help him in any way.

Is MetaMask extension free?

Now, if you are wondering whether or not you have to pay an amount as the fee to use MetaMask, then you should note that downloading the MetaMask Wallet extension is completely free. Just like many other wallets, all you need to do is pay a fee while transferring crypto from one wallet to another. This helps the platform to cover any charges that are being charged on the blockchain network. In addition to that, another thing that we are supposed to take care of is that MetaMask only supports the Ethereum network.

How to download the MetaMask extension on Chrome?

Metamask Extension

Chrome is one of the best web browsers that are being used by a wide spectrum of people for the purpose of surfing the web. Hence, MetaMask has made sure that the wallet is available for usage on Chrome as well. So, we are here with the steps that you must follow if you wish to install MetaMask on your Chrome web browser:

Once done with that, you can select the puzzle icon at the taskbar of your Chrome browser and then see if the extension was added.

Add MetaMask extension to Firefox, Edge, Brave, and Opera browsers

If you are not using Chrome as your primary web browser on your desktop and you wish to install MetaMask on a browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Brave, or Opera browser, then you can apply the steps that are listed below:

Set up a new wallet on the MetaMask extension

The first thing that you are supposed to do in this scenario is install the MetaMask extension and see if it is available in the list of your extensions or not. If it is there, then you can apply the easy steps that are listed below:

How to import a wallet on the MetaMask extension?

If you have an existing wallet and you have the wallet's Secret Recovery Phase as well, then you can easily import this wallet and enjoy the best services offered on the platform. Here are the steps you need to follow for this:

Concluding Thoughts

Keeping all your crypto assets safe is one of the significant responsibilities that you are provided with when you step into the ever-expanding crypto world. Hence, you should make sure that you choose one of the crypto wallets available in the market space. This not only helps you ensure the safety of your assets but also helps you stake your assets so that you can earn rewards through it. Today, through this post, we took a dig into the MetaMask extension and learned how this wallet can be used as a beginner.


Is MetaMask extension safe?

Since MetaMask does not manage any of your data or your private keys, you should also take off your wallet, Though MetaMask uses strong encryption measures, you should also ensure to never share your Secret Recovery Phrase or the MetaMask login password to avoid getting your wallet hacked.

Is MetaMask legit?

MetaMask is counted as one of the most trusted web browser-based crypto wallets in many countries of the world. This is the best wallet for the Ethereum blockchain and serves more than 100 million users across the world. Hence, we can say that it is a legal crypto wallet.

What is MetaMask used for?

MetaMask is used as a non-custodial crypto wallet allowing its users to store, swap, send, and receive crypto assets. With this platform, you can also interact with the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. And most importantly, it lets you host a wide spectrum of decentralized applications.

Does MetaMask need KYC?

Self-hosted or self-custodial wallets such as MetaMask do not require you to go through any hard and fast rules for signing up on their platforms. Hence, we can say that to use MetaMask, you do not need to complete any KYC process.

Who can use the MetaMask extension?

To put it short, we can say that anybody can easily use MetaMask and its services. This is a self-hosted crypto wallet that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and other blockchains through nodes. So, if you are someone who is trading assets on the Ethereum blockchain, MetaMask is the right choice for you.

Metamask Official Contact Information


official Website :

Metamask support :

Offical Address - San Francisco, California

Disclaimer - Do not interpret the given information as the endorsement of metamask in any manner. We have included all these details only to train and guide our readers about using metamask. The furnished information may not always be completely accurate. Also, using any crypto service comes with some risks. So, make sure that you do your own research before you take any actions referring to this website.