MetaMask Wallet | MetaMask Extension - Official Website

To survive in the crypto industry, you need a good wallet that will provide you with protection from online threats or phishing attacks. But none of the wallets can give you full protection from those threats if you do not perform some of the security steps by yourself. Without performing these security measures, you will lose your funds sooner or later. It will not matter how strong your crypto wallet is.

Now that we are on the topic of determining which wallet is the strongest, you should know that hardware wallets hold this title. No software wallet can ever match the security of a hardware wallet. But not all of the crypto traders can afford to purchase an expensive wallet like that. So, in situations like this, a software wallet is the only best choice for you.

In this article, we aim to describe a software wallet called MetaMask Wallet. It is strong enough to protect your assets. So, if you want to learn about it you must follow this article right here.

Installation of the MetaMask

First, let us tell you about the installation procedure of the MetaMask Extension and the mobile application. It is your choice on which mode to use to access your MetaMask account. In other terms, we mean to say that it is your decision if you want to use the MetaMask Extension or the mobile app. We would suggest you go for the MetaMask wallet extension as it is easier to use, but we will not force you for it. And don’t worry, because we will explain to you the download process for both of them. 

MetaMask Extension

This is the explanation of installing the browser extension, make sure to follow it accurately:

MetaMask Application

Creating a MetaMask Account

After the installation of the wallet, you will need to have an account on it as well. And for this purpose, here we will present you with the steps on how to get your account registered on it. So, follow up with the process given here:

This is the end of the wallet setup process. To know more about it use the official website link here.

What are the steps for logging in?

Moving further with our article, the next thing to know is how to access your account every time you want to initiate a transaction. For this, you should know the login process. Because without logging in you cannot access your account. The login process is:

Once the above steps are completed, you will be redirected to your account homepage.

How to change the MetaMask password?

Everyone forgets passwords, it is a normal occurrence. It is nearly impossible to remember the passwords of all the platforms unless all the passwords are saved on Google. But saving passwords on Google is also risky. Because anything that is stored online could be hacked in one way or another. In this segment, we will guide you through the process of changing your password:

Now passcode has been changed and to log in to your account follow our steps given in the above section. 

Does MetaMask charge anything?

Another thing that a trader worries about is the fees. A trader is always looking for a little more budget-friendly wallet. A good wallet gives you the best services by charging low cost. And MetaMask Wallet surely falls into this category. The MetaMask always aims to charge low fees and the amount of fees that is charged is given to the blockchain network validators for working on it. Although it may charge some high amount of fees in case there is a high load on the platform. So in case of a high load, the price usually increases and the time for processing a transaction also increases. 

Summing it Up

MetaMask Wallet gives users security and anonymity on a priority basis. Also to make it more accessible to the users it has launched its mobile application. By using the Mobile application, you will not have to carry your computer or laptop devices. At the end, it is up to you on how you want to access this wallet. 


Why to select MetaMask Wallet?

As a beginner, one should always opt for the software wallets because they are easy to handle by the users. MetaMask is the perfect choice for it because it has better security than any other software wallet available in the industry.

Can I use MetaMask for free?

Yes, as a trader you can easily use the services of this wallet for free of cost. You just need to pay the gas for any kind of transaction you make. Even this fee is customizable, meaning you can adjust it according to your own accord.

Is MetaMask Safe?

This software wallet is fully embedded with security measures that could help you protect your digital assets. However, you need to be careful as well, meaning that it is important for the users to remember a few common security measures as well.

What is the use of MetaMask? 

The work of MetaMask is to store the digital assets as the users put them in it and give those assets protection from all security breaches.