Home Access Center (HAC)

The Home Access Center (HAC) is the parent portal where you can find your student's absences and report card information.

Login HERE

Report Card Key (Grades K-5 Only)

M = Mastery/Dominó la destreza

S = Satisfactory/Satisfactorio

D = Developing/En desarrollo, aún no ha dominado la destreza

NI = Needs Improvement/Necesita mejorar

A = On/Above Level / A nivel/por encima

B = Below Level/Por debajo

P = PACE (2nd-5th)

C = Approaching the Zone of Biliteracy / Aproximándose a la Zona de Bialfabetismo

Z = In the Zone of Biliteracy/En la Zona de Bialfabetismo

T1 = On Track/Desempeño a nivel de grado

T2 = At Some Risk/a cierto riesgo

T3 = At Risk/Desempeño por debajo nivel de grado