New Online Instructor Toolkit

Don't Panic!

Being a new online instructor can be intimidating. Learning Technologies is here to help, though! We've put together an online learning toolkit that covers topics like

  • Learning design and best practices for your online course, including tips for making your course accessible to all learners

  • Writing learning objectives that will set your students up for success and assessments that will measure those objectives

  • Digital course materials that can enhance your course and improve student outcomes

  • How to communicate with your students across various platforms

Want a More Hands-On Approach?

Consider attending one of our JumpStarts! These multi-day in-person or virtual trainings allow Learning Technologies staff to walk you through setting up your first online course and making sure it follows our Quality Assurance template. This takes the pressure off of new instructors to have to quickly create an entire class by themselves and ensures that your students will have the best possible opportunities for success.

  • JumpStart topics include:

  • An introduction to the Quality Assurance template

  • How to write and align your course's learning objectives

  • Creating course and module introduction videos, as well as writing a great instructor bio

  • How to build and add rubrics to your assignments

  • An introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) as well as the video and learning tech tools available to you as an instructor

JumpStarts are hosted regularly and come in traditional JumpStart, JumpStart Lite, and JumpStart Asynchronous. Contact Learning Technologies to find out which one is right for you!