Hybrid Course Models

Blended Delivery, In-Person Testing

This option assumes most content delivery and all testing will be done in-person, but some content delivery will be online.

This type of delivery is similar to an "all in-person" design but introduces a level of flexibility through online content delivery.

This Option is Best Suited For:

  • Lab courses

  • Courses with resources only available at the University

  • Performance courses

Things to Consider:

  • You may want to modularize your course content. This makes it easier for students to follow along with the flow of the course

  • You may need to offer more sections of the course or different course meeting times for different groups of students to maintain social distancing.

  • Social distancing must be followed and face coverings must be worn in accordance with current University policy.

Blended Delivery, Online Testing

This option moves a course closer to a typical "flipped" model as it offers a blend of online and in-person content delivery and it offers online testing.

This model allows instructors to capitalize on in-person contact and offer more social interaction, demonstrations, and time for student questions.

This Option is Best Suited For:

  • Courses for first-year students who would benefit from a more traditional course structure

  • Courses that require University-based resources or content

  • Courses aimed at seniors who would benefit from in-person interaction

Things to Consider:

  • You may want to modularize your course content. This makes it easier for students to follow along with the flow of the course

  • You may not be able to meet as often or you may need to offer more sections of the course or different course meeting times for different groups of students to maintain social distancing.

  • Social distancing must be followed and face coverings must be worn in accordance with current University policy.

Online Delivery, In-Person Testing

An option that puts all content online but requires in-person testing.

This Option is Best Suited For:

  • Performance-based courses that require recitals or performances for assessment purposes

  • Courses with a practical testing component requiring University resources to complete

Things to Consider:

  • Social distancing must be followed and face coverings must be worn in accordance with current University policy.

Online Delivery, In-Person Enrichment

An option that puts your full course online, including testing, but still offers opportunities for in-person enrichment opportunities.

This Option is Best Suited For:

  • Courses that have guest-speakers who will be recorded but will also allow in-person attendance

  • Courses that require field-trips to certain locations in order to promote better understanding of course materials.

  • Courses that give extra credit for attendance at in-person lectures, University or community events, volunteering, etc.

Things to Consider:

  • Social distancing must be followed and face coverings must be worn in accordance with current University policy.

  • Social distancing must be followed and face coverings must be worn in accordance with policies of the event attended.

Fully Online Delivery, Temporary

A course fully online for this term, but you do not have the intention to keep this course online once it is not necessary to do so.

While this choice will require you to do more work up-front, your choice allows you the greatest flexibility of the hybrid options.

This Option is Best Suited For:

  • Courses that can be temporarily taught online, even though it isn't the instructor's preferred modality

  • Courses that can be more easily taught online in order to free up classroom space for courses that cannot.

  • Courses with students who cannot come to campus due to the virus.

Things to Consider:

  • You may want to modularize your course content. This makes it easier for students to follow along with the flow of the course

Some Remote Delivery, Mostly Face to Face

This is the hybrid option with very little online course delivery.

This Option is Best Suited For:

  • Lab courses

  • Courses with resources only available at the University

  • Performance courses

Things to Consider:

  • You may want to modularize your course content. This makes it easier for students to follow along with the flow of the course

  • You may need to offer more sections of the course or different course meeting times for different groups of students to maintain social distancing.

  • Social distancing must be followed and face coverings must be worn in accordance with current University policy.