Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

PS3014 - Program Narrative



Minimum Required Set-Aside


Funds are to be used to cover instructional staff retention bonuses to ensure continuity of service delivery of student opportunities to attend classes with high quality teachers who administer and use high-quality assessments of progress, implement evidence based instruction and provide mental health services and supports to meet the comprehensive needs of low-income students, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness and students in foster care.

A Bounce Back Program will be implemented to address learning loss among LEA students to include administering and using high -quality assessments and implementing evidence -based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of low-income students, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, racial and ethnic minorities, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness and students in foster care. This will include our evidence-based extended day tutorial program ASAP (After-School Accelerated Program).

ESSER III Schedule PS3014.pdf