TechConnect Zoom

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Zoom Guide for Students

What is TechConnect Zoom?

TechConnect Zoom is an online meeting service provided to all employees of the California Community Colleges by the CCC Confer project. Connections are Java-free, and support all operating systems and browsers, including mobile devices. Experience high quality video and audio, desktop screen sharing, whiteboard with annotations, waiting and breakout rooms, and more. Record to the cloud, and create a movie file which can be viewed from any device and operating system. TechConnect Zoom connects with Canvas making it easy for instructors and students to participate live, and to view recordings.

TechConnect Zoom accounts allow for unlimited meeting minutes with up to 100 participants.

Steps to Zoom

What You'll Need to Zoom

Please ensure you have the following hardware and software before you Zoom with your students.


  • a desktop computer

  • an audio input (telephone, computer microphone, or video camera microphone)

  • a high speed internet connection

  • at least 10gb of hard drive space (if recording)

  • optional = video camera


  • the Zoom application

  • presentation software (PowerPoint, Word, area specific software)