Limits on Requests

How often can an individual apply?

Applicants may apply up to three times in total, but please note that this is on a per household basis, rather than per person. We would not be able to support three requests per member of the household. Where there is genuine need and exceptional circumstances Advocates may contact Acts 435 to request authorisation for additional requests, but this will be managed on a discretionary basis and cannot be guaranteed.

If the Advocate holds any concern that an Applicant’s household is abusing the facility, further applications can and should be refused.

How much money?

Requests can be made for amounts up to £200, in increments of £5. This is subject to a maximum of three requests per household.

The maximum amount of £200 should only be requested for a specific, high value items (see below for further details on which items are permissible) or larger needs. From the donor point of view, it looks better to see a variety of amounts requested and Advocates are asked to give consideration to this, only asking for the full amount required for the specific item without pushing it up to the £200 limit unless truly necessary. When reviewing pending requests, the Acts 435 team will ask for more detail where an amount has not been fully justified or explained, and when necessary will ask the amount requested to be revised or reduced.

Acts 435 is for small, specific items. It should not be used to raise larger sums by posting multiple, identical requests to raise larger amounts. If the item or need is in excess of £200, the request can only be posted on the Acts 435 website if the Applicant or the church/charity has the balance required to meet the full need, or if an additional source of funds has been identified. Please make this information clear in the request, or the Acts 435 team will be unable to approve the request until this can be ascertained. 

While we do not begrudge our applicants good quality items, please be mindful that many of our donors also live on tight budgets and may not afford this for themselves. For example, while we appreciate that mobile phones can be expensive there are good quality, basic phones available. As such, requests for mobile phones should also be kept under £100. Likewise for prescription glasses, while these can be expensive from high street opticians, it is possible to order good quality glasses online for a fraction of the cost. We do recognise that not everyone will have access to online ordering, and that it is not always possible or practical for our Advocates to "shop around" for the best deal, but where reasonably possible glasses requests should be limited to £100 or less.

Below we have outlined some key items/ needs that are frequently requested for which we have an amount limit:

Microwaves - £75

Spectacles - £100

Mobile Phones - £100

Vacuum Cleaners - £100

Food/ clothing (single person)- £120

General utility bill - £150

Tablets - £150

Bikes - £150

Fridges - £175

Freezers - £175

Laptops - £200

Fridge Freezers - £200

Washing Machines - £200

Cookers - £200

What can we apply for?

Whilst our focus is on basic necessities (whether to purchase a desperately needed item, to help with a bill or buy a train ticket, etc.) in some senses anything goes (see the giving page on our website for an idea of the variety of requests). Acts 435 is donor-led and if donors do not think it is an appropriate request, they simply will not donate to it. If you feel that an item or need is essential to an individual’s wellbeing then it may be considered an appropriate request.

Our only limitation in this regard is that the Advocate should be able to demonstrate that the item is not simply a “nice to have” or a luxury, but that it is a genuine need or an item that would make a big difference to their circumstances or wellbeing (e.g. a TV for an isolated pensioner). There are a couple of specific items on which we have received direct donor feedback, namely tumble driers and dishwashers. These are widely seen as non-essential items in most circumstances. However, as above, if you are able to clearly explain why they are essential in an exceptional case then we would be able to consider supporting that request (e.g. a tumble drier for a family needing to turnaround uniforms quickly in a damp house with no outdoor drying space). 

If ever you would like to ask for guidance or input on a specific request, please do not hesitate to contact us on

What do we do if somebody approaches us and we doubt the validity of their request?

There are safeguards against this which should be used when explaining Acts 435 to such potential applicants. These include:

Advocates should not be scared to say ‘No’ if they feel unsure or if they feel a request would not be the best way to help the person.

Within a church setting, Advocates should have the support of a pastoral team to refer people to for other types of assistance.

Advocates can always explain to the Applicant that they need to check with the Acts 435 Head Office about this particular request, so that it becomes Acts 435 saying ‘No’ rather than the individual Advocate.