Appendix 5 - Key Partners
Acts 435 is in the fortunate position of being entirely self-sustaining on Gift Aid for its admin costs. As a result of this, we are delighted to be a completely free resource to local churches and charities.
We do however have to ensure our growth is sustainable, and that we maintain the right balance of incoming donations to meet the requests on our website. As part of this, and so that we can continue to provide churches and charities with this free resource, this does mean we need their help to spread the word, given that we are reliant on individual donors giving.
Where certain partners are making extensive use of Acts 435, and are receiving sometimes thousands of pounds a year from us to support those in need in their community, we also need to ensure tighter controls especially with regards to administrative tasks (posting requests, thank you messages to donors, financial returns).
While standard partner accounts are limited to 2 active/ pending requests at one time, those partners who wish to make more extensive use of Acts 435 are invited to apply for "Key Partner" status. This would grant them the privilege of a limit of 5 active/ pending requests, while also requiring an increased level of support in spreading the word about Acts 435.
The benefits of Key Partner status are:
- Invitation to an in-person gathering
- Ability to have up to five active requests at any one time
- We will prioritise highlighting their church/charity/ministry in our blog and social media
- The offer of a speaker or personalised talk for their church
- Increased access to separate projects, such as carpet provision through Mercado
The requirements in order to get these benefits are:
1. Admin up-to-date (no action required older than 3 months unless for exceptional circumstances)
2. Well written requests and thank you messages that don’t need heavy editing from the staff team
3. As a rule, consult with the staff team prior to posting any unusual requests or to seek special permission to post a 4th request for someone
4. Respond to emails within a week (unless on annual leave, sick leave or similar) and submit financial return by the deadline supplied
Promoting Acts 435:
On your organisation's website, share our logo and a link back to the Acts 435 website with an explanation of who we are, and/or a display on a church noticeboard or similar
Share about us in a newsletter or blog at least once a year
Follow us on social media (we're on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
Post about us on socials at least twice a year (a retweet with a quote, for example) - this could be at Christmas and Easter when we provide content, but at any point throughout the year. Please tag us in these posts!
If your church or charity does not have a social media presence, your willingness to share Acts 435 can also be demonstrated in the following ways (we would love to see all our key partners involved in at least one of these if at all possible):
Be willing to either share our work by having a stand or speaking at any appropriate local events/churches. This could be organised by yourself or you could be asked to represent us by the staff team.
Be willing to come along to an event/conference, local to you, where the staff team has arranged to have a stand/presence.
Have a zoom chat with our Communications Director, Katie Greene, that we can then use to promote Acts 435 - this could be with the Advocate or church/charity leader.
Be willing to represent Acts 435 should we be approached by any media outlets for stories and/or interviews.
How to Apply
Any established Partner (having completed 20 or more requests) is welcome to apply for “Key Partner” status at any time. To apply, please make a copy of the following form, and email a completed form to Rhona Ellwood on
Key Partner Status Application Form
The Acts 435 team will look at this information and assess whether Key Partner status has been achieved. Forms will be processed within 10 working days and, if successful, your Key Partner status will be awarded for one year. Halfway through the year the Acts 435 team will check in with you to discuss whether you are continuing to meet the requirements of Key Partner status, and at the end of the year you will be asked to confirm whether you believe you still qualify.