2010 Feedback

ORD Camp is...

"A free weekend invite only carnival for the mind and spirit where invitees are engaged, smart, passionate people that like to build things."

"A gathering of technically passionate folks with a purpose of having free form, unfettered discourse on topics that they find interesting."

"Expectations are that you should be ready to share a thought provoking technical idea or concept for others to critique or discuss."

"A gethering of smart people working on interesting projects in a range of fields (tech, religion, education, business, etc.)"

"ORD Camp is a 2 day get together of people with very different skills and interests but all share an incredible passion for the thing they do best. I learned things at the camp that impacted the way I treated people and my business all year long and you get to meet incredible people in a setting where no BS is allowed."

"It's an unconference for Chicago people who do cool things. An unconference is a gathering where people come and make up the agenda as they go along, allowing for more sharing and less talking heads. The good thing about it is when people from different industries and interests meet and get things done, post-conference."

"Short description: ""Show and tell for geeks""

Long description: A weekend to hang-out and 'talk tech' with like-minded individuals, share something cool you've done or learned with others, learn some new things, possibly launch some new projects."

"Super un-conference for very creative and interesting people in (mostly) the mid-west."

"ORD Camp is a unique, intimate gathering of people that talk about ideas and technologies that change the way problems are solved. It's not just 'techies' and 'coders', but innovative individuals that aim to creatively answer a business, social or consumer need. It can be anything from breaking down the way a BBQ occurs to mapping out the city of Chicago."