Week 6 - Checking Accounts

Post date: Nov 09, 2017 7:32:52 PM

Monday 11/13 - What are some job opportunities in that you might be interested in pursuing when you graduate? What is the starting salary? What else do you know about these jobs? (7-10 sentences)

Due Thursday 11/16 - 5 paragraph essay: 5-7 sentences on your topic,

3-5 sentences on the other 5 topics. Information on all topics can be

found in your "Financial Services" textbook (#5).

Topics include:

"Banks and Checking Accounts" p5-7

"What's a check & check writing" p8-10

"Fees and debit cards" p11-13

"Wipeout-withdrawls and deposits" p14-16

"Beyond banks" p22-24

"Who's Who" p25-27

Tuesday 11/14 - What did you learn yesterday (from your Financial Services book) that you did not know before? If you learned nothing new, where and when did you learn what you already knew? (7-10 sentences)

Wednesday 11/15 - Are you more interested in the process of buying a car or paying for college?

Pick one of those 2 topics and write 7-10 sentences about what you already know or

write 7-10 questions about what you would like to know.

Due Thursday 11/16 - 6 paragraph essay: 5-7 sentences on your topic,

3-5 sentences on the other 5 topics. Information on all topics can be

found on foolproofme.com under the "guides" tab.

Topics include:

- Student loans steps 1-3

- Student loans steps 4-7

- Dealership tactics (1)

- Buying a Vehicle (2) & researching (3)

- Buying new (4) & negotiating (5)

- Buying used (6) & leasing (7)

Thursday 11/16 - Write 4-7 questions that you will ask your financial institution when you open your checking account.

Before the quiz, we can go over any topics you choose (you just have to write it on the board).

In class:

#1 Take your Week 6 Quiz" (please sit quietly once your finished)


#2 Read your summary of your topic (in your journal) to help prepare for your presentation.

#3 Present your topic. Write 3-5 sentences about the 5 other topics.

#4 Hand in your journal.

Friday - Class will be in Hawthorne Hall (library)