Week 5

Post date: Mar 20, 2015 8:22:53 PM

***Grading Policy for Late Work***

Quizzes - for 100% Credit, make it up by 8am on the following quiz day (Friday)...quizzes turned in (to library folder) later will be graded on a 75% scale

Journals - for 100% Credit, hand it to me up by 8am on the following quiz day (Friday)...work turned in after that will be graded on a 75% scale

Foolproofs - I will check/update engrade for each assignment twice...when it's due (for full credit)...and at the end of the term (for minus 1 point)...if you do a foolproof after the due date, or an extra credit foolproof...and you would like it to be updated on engrade, please send me an email

Due Friday 3/27 - 5 paragraph essay: 5-7 sentences on your topic, 3-5 sentences on the other 4 topics. Information on all topics can be found in your "Insurance" textbook (#6). Topics include:

"Insurance Lingo" p12-16

"Different types of insurance" (introduce at least 5) p16-21

"How do insurance companies decide how much to charge you?" p22-24 & p37-38

"Everything there is to know about auto insurance" p25-30

"Everything there is to know about health insurance" p31-36

Wednesday - Presentations. Each group will create a visual aide (using their board space) and all group members must participate in the presentation.

Due Friday - "After Taxes" worksheet (attached)

Quiz Friday...please make it up by Thursday 4/4 if you are absent...it will be in the library

Due Monday 4/13 - Foolproof #15 (#12 for extra credit)