Week 10

Post date: Jan 12, 2016 7:25:11 PM

Friday 1/14 - Give an example of a financial goal that you hope to reach by age 30. How (specifically) do you plan to reach that goal? What things might you have to sacrifice in order to reach that goal? (7-10 sentences)

Thursday 1/13 - Write everything that your learned about checking accounts yesterday. (Or write what you already knew about checking accounts) 7-10 sentences

By the way...Journals will be collected Friday and graded on a 0-30 scale for week 7 - week 10. Feel free to catch up in the meantime, if you fell behind.

Wednesday 1/12 - If you were going to write a commercial for Personal Finance class, write 7-10 sentences describing what you would include in that commercial.

Tuesday 1/11 - Write 7-10 sentences about what you learned in Personal Finance class over the past 2 weeks.