"Join the Workforce" - Week 2

Post date: Sep 12, 2018 2:22:44 PM

Monday 9/17

Journal - Write down 5 big purchases that you will need to borrow money for in the next 20 years. Why is it important to you that you purchase each of these things? How long will it take you to pay for each of these things? For each item, how much interest do you think you'll be charged for borrowing the money?

Classwork - Foolproof #2 and #3

Tuesday 9/18

Journal - Write down (in as much detail as possible)

3 financial goals that you have:

1 for the next 3 months,

1 for the next year, and 1 for the next 5 years.

You will be assigned 1 of the topics below.

You and your group will prepare a 5 minute audio/visual

presentation on that topic.

Each group member should spend...

5-7 minutes quietly researching & writing ideas

(at least 5 sentences)

in your journal (date and label it so I'll see it on Friday)

5-7 minutes discussing, planning & preparing your

presentation with your group

4-6 minutes presenting (all group members must contribute)

- Decision making (p19-21)

- Types of expenses (p25-27)

- 6 steps to a winning spending plan (p29-31)

- Cruise to the finish line (p32-33)

- Money 911 (p34-35)

- 7 Ways to strike back (p36-37)

Due on Friday 9/21 (when I check your journal)

-> 5-7 sentence summary of your topic,

3-5 sentence summary of each other topic (6 topics total);

Information on all topics can be found on the following pages

in your"Module 1: Money Management" textbook

Wednesday 9/19

Journal - Assume the role of a potential employer who has just Googled your name.

    • Would the potential employer like what they see? Why or why not?

    • Would the employer see your social media profiles? If so, are you worried?

Thursday 9/20

Journal - In order to get a job offer, you have to do well at your interview. But, before that, you need to OBTAIN an interview in the first place.

If you were trying to get a new part-time job for next summer, what strategies would you use to get to the “interview stage” of the hiring process?

Classwork Interviewing Student Worksheet


Interview challenge


Friday 9/21

Journal - You are in and interview, and the interviewer asks you,

“So, tell me, straight up: What is your biggest weakness as it pertains to this job?”

How do you respond? (7-10 sentences)

Closing Journal -

What did you learn/experience doing the "interview challenge"?

Hand in your journal at the end of class with all journal entries

including you "Money Management" reports.