Investing - Part 2

Post date: Apr 04, 2018 7:28:0 PM

Monday 4/9 Journal - What age would you like to retire? How long will you hope to live off your retirement savings? What do you hope/expect your lifestyle to be like when you retire? (7-10 sentences)

Project - "Envisioning your retirement"

You can hand in a paper copy, but you'll have to use the link below to get all the resources you need:

Your project (due Thursday at the beginning of class) will consist of 2 grades:

1) 10 points -> Your retirement budget speadsheet, copied and shared with

2) 10 points -> Your "Envisioning your retirement" worksheet (either a paper copy with your name on it or a google doc shared with

"A look ahead" - Thursday all groups of 2 or 3 will be presenting their philanthropy projects. Please put any finishing touches on your projects in the meantime.

Tuesday 4/10 Journal - What specific things could you do over the next 5, 10, 20 years to put you in a position to reach your retirement goals? (7-10 sentences)

Tuesday's classwork - "Are stocks a long-term risky investment?"

Once you hand in your classwork, continue working on your project.

Wednesday 4/11

1) In groups of 3 or 4, discuss the questions on Part 5 of your "Envisioning Retirement Project." Then answer questions 4-8. You can hand in your worksheet at the beginning of class tomorrow.

2) Foolproof #13 "Giving vs. Getting"

Thursday 4/12

Journal - Write 7-10 sentences about what you learned while doing your "Envisioning Retirement Project."

In class - Philanthropy presentations followed by "Foolproof Jeopardy"

Friday 4/13 - Our class will be coming to an end in the next 3 academic weeks. What would you like to spend the next 3 weeks learning and doing? If you have no opinions, write about what you have found most useful from this class. (7-10 sentences)

If you have completed your work, you have the choice of any of these extra credit assignments (You MUST do one of them...if I see you playing video games or doing anything else non-class related, you'll get a lousy class participation grade!)

a) Comparing different charities

b) Analyze different advertising campaigns