Getting a Job and Paying Taxes

Post date: Feb 15, 2018 6:19:5 PM

Monday 2/26 - What are taxes? Why do we have to pay them? How much are they? What do tax dollars pay for? (7-10 sentences)

Lab - Foolproof #12 “Tax Me Please”

Tuesday 2/27 - Write everything you learned yesterday about taxes (or getting a job, or renting an apartment if you didn't learn anything new about taxes) 7-10 sentences

Assignment - Filling out a 1040EZ ->

2 minute video ->

14 minute video ->

Filing if you’re a dependent ->

Wednesday 2/28 - Are you filing your taxes this year? If so, describe your process that you're going through. If not, give 7-10 sentences of advice that you would give to a private business owner that is filing her taxes.

Assignment - Tax Rates and Tax Brackets

Thursday 3/1 - What job would you like to have when you are 25 years old? What can you do over the next 7 years to prepare yourself to get that job? (7-10 sentences)

Quiz on Insurance & Taxes ->

Friday 3/2 - Think of job that you would like to do after you graduate. How much do you already know about that profession? Write 7-10 sentences about what you know, or would like to know about that career. Here are some ideas:

    • Education requirements

    • Any work requirements required

    • Identify the average salary range for this career. What are the low and high ends of the salary?

    • Identify typical job benefits (examples: health insurance, company car or mileage allowance)

    • What is the future occupational outlook?

Extra credit assignment (mandatory if you've finished all your work) -> Foolproof Activity 3 "What job is right for you?"

Create a 5-slide google presentation (focusing on the 5 topics above) and share it with