I. Brief History

1. The Origin of School Establishment

On July 1, 1997, the Department of Education of Taipei City Government approved the establishment of Zhong-Lun Junior High School, and a preparation office was set up. Because the school site used to be a hill standing in the center of a flat, the name of Zhong- Lun has its dialectical meaning, with “Zhong” meaning “center” and “Lun” meaning “an isolated hill”.

In 1998, Zhong-Lun High School was designated to serve as a 6-year high school, consisting of both junior and senior high school programs. In the academic year of 2002, 7th- grade students and 10th-grade students started to be enrolled. Each year, the school admits 10 classes of senior high students and 7 classes of junior high students respectively. Currently, there are 51 classes in total, with 1806 students registered.

II. Our Vision and Mission

1. Vision

As a school of the future, we help students develop their full potential as leaders of the coming generations.

2. Mission

Our mission is to create a transformative educational experience for students focused on skills in technology, knowledge in humanities, and competence in innovation so that they are equipped to solve the greatest challenges in the future.

III. General Information

Zhong-Lun High school, a co-ed 6-year public high school, is located in downtown Taipei, Taiwan. Each year Zhong-Lun admits 10 classes of senior high students and 7 classes of junior high students respectively. Currently there are 51 classes in total, with 1806 students registered.

  • Site:20,621 square meters

  • The number of class:30 classes for Senior High; 21 classes for Junior High

  • The number of students:1117 Senior High Students; 689 Junior High Students


V.Campus Map
