
Chatterpix Kids


(It is a fun app for practice speaking. Simply take a photo, draw a line to make a mouth, and record your voice. That’s it!)



(Quizlet is aneasy way to practice and master what you are learning. You can either create your own flashcards andstudy sets or choose from millions created by other users. There are different topics. I am sure you can findsomething you are interested.)

Primary Section (小學組)

Tips to get your child ready for the school (一些讓你的孩子準備回校的提示)

你準備好回校上課嗎?我們一起看看你有甚麼需要準備呢?(Are you ready for the school? Let’s take a look and see what you can do to prepare well.)

How to get ready for school song! (如何準備回校的歌曲)

這是一首關於回到校園的歌曲。你還記得上學前需要準備甚麼?(This is a song related to going back to school. Do you still remember what you need to do before going to school?)

Peppa Pig goes back to school (Peppa Pig回到校園)

Peppa Pig再次回到學校了!我猜你看這影片的時候也會很想念校園生活的吧!(Peppa Pig goes back to school again! I guess you will miss the school life while you are watching the video.)

Secondary Section (中學組)

Prepare for the New School Year (為新學年作準備)

這是一段關於準備新學年的影片。雖然我們不是正準備新的學年,但是我們在長時間的停課後陸續復課,我們也需做好準備!(This is a video about the preparation of the new school year. Although we are not having a new school year now, we resume our class after the long suspension period. Let’s do better preparation.)

Back to school song (一首關於回到學校的歌曲)

這是一首很有活力的歌曲,主題是回到校園。我相信聽完這歌曲後你將會充滿力量。(This is an energetic song related to the theme-Back to school. I guess you will be full of power after listening to the song.)

12 DIY Kawaii school supplies (12種自製的學校日用品)

同學們是時候展現你的創造力了。我們可以自己動手做很多學校日常用品。我們齊來看看有甚麼可以做吧!(It is time for you to show us your creativity. There are many school supplies you can make by yourself! Let’s see what we can make!)

Primary Section (小學組)

Country Flags (國旗)


你能認得多少國旗呢?玩玩這個KAHOOT問答測試一下吧!玩遊戲時記緊輸入名字。希望在排名榜上見到你的名字吧!(How many country flags can you recognize? Play this Kahoot game to test yourselves. Remember to enter your name when you play the game. Hope to see your name on the leaderboard!)

Where Are You From? (你從哪裏來?)

當你旅遊時,你可能會遇到來自不同國家的人。透過這首歌學習如何問別人「你從哪裏來?」。(When you go travelling, you may meet people from different countries. Learn from the song and ask people “where are you from?”.)

Peppa Pig in London (Peppa Pig在倫敦)

Madame Gazelle帶了Peppa Pig全班到倫敦,英女王更親自帶領旅行團!倫敦的不同景點都包括在短片中。(Madame Gazelle takes the whole class to London for the day and gets a tour by The Queen herself! Attractions of London are included in the video.)

Secondary Section (中學組)

Travel Conversation-Hotel (旅遊對話—酒店)

旅遊是很興奮的,但你有試過在酒店不懂用英文辦理入住或處理各種需求嗎?我們一起來學習怎樣在酒店說英文。(Travelling is exciting, but have you ever encountered difficulties when check in at the hotel or ask for something? Let’s learn some useful sentences you can use in the hotel from this video.)

Airport Conversation (機場對話)

在這短片中學習你在機場和在飛機上能用到的生字和片語。(Learn words and phrases you can use at the airport and while traveling by plane in this video.)

Unbelievable Places in the World (世界上令人難以置信的地方)

這短片介紹了15個令人驚嘆的地方。有些地方不是人人都認識的著名景點。現在就看看短片探索一下吧!(In this video, 15 stunning places are introduced. Some are not popular attractions that everyone knows. Let’s watch the video and explore now!)

Primary Section (小學組)

Leisure Time: Indoor & Outdoor Activities (室內及室外活動)

這段影片介紹了一些室內和室外的活動,同學可以看看哪些活動是你喜歡做的?(This video introduces some indoor and outdoor activities. You can see whether you love doing these activities.)

Kids vocabulary-Hobbies and Interests- What do you like doing? (你喜歡做甚麼?)

這段影片介紹了不同的活動名稱及有關句式,同學們可嘗試運用句子表達你所喜歡做的活動。(The video introduces some name of different hobbies. There are some useful sentence patterns for you to express what you like to do.)

Free Time Song (關於空閒時間的歌曲)

這是一首關於空閒時間的歌曲,歌詞簡單,旋律輕鬆,相信你們會喜歡。(This song is about free time. The lyrics of the song is simple and the melody is relaxing. I believe you will like this song.)

Secondary Section (中學組)

Free Time Activities in English (關於一些休閒活動的名稱)

這段影片介紹一些關於休閒活動的名稱,片中也介紹了基礎英文動名詞用法。(The video introduces some of the leisure activities. You can learn basic Gerund in English language.)

How to talk about your free time activities and leisure in English (如何用英文談及休閒活動)

你想和朋友用英文傾談有關休閒活動嗎?影片中提及多種表達喜好的方式,你懂得運用多少種呢?齊來學習吧!(Do you want to talk with your friends about leisure activities in English? In the video, there are many ways to express your preference. Let’s learn about it!)

Talking about hobby (English Dialogue) (關於談及興趣的對話)

這是關於談及興趣的對話。片中的人物使用了不同方式表達自己喜歡的興趣。齊來看看影片,一起學習吧!(This video is about talking about hobbies. The characters in the videos use different ways to express what they like. You can learn some social language in the video.)

Primary Section (小學組)

Wash your hand song (洗手歌)

這是一首文字淺白易明的洗手歌,同學可以一起跟着唱,同時緊記勤洗手。(This is a song related to washing your hand with simple lyrics. You can sing it together and remember to wash your hands frequently.)

Prevent diseases-Maintain good hygiene (預防疾病,保持良好衛生)

這是一段來自衛生署衛生防護中心的短片,內容關於預防疾病,保持良好衛生的提示,同學可依從片中的指引,培養良好的衛生習慣。(This short video clip is from CHP, Department of Health, HKSARG. The theme is related to the prevention of diseases and maintain good hygiene. Students can follow the instruction and cultivate good habit of maintaining personal hygiene.)

Personal hygiene for kids (孩子的個人衛生)

這段有趣的卡通主要教導孩子有關個人衛生,短片內容比較淺易,特別適合初小組的同學與父母一同觀看及學習。(This is an interesting cartoon about personal hygiene. As the content is rather simple, it is suitable for the junior primary students to watch and learn with their parents together.)

Secondary Section (中學組)

Learn words about coronavirus (學習關於新型冠狀肺炎的生字)

你知道甚麼是新型冠狀肺炎嗎?你知道有甚麼生字和它有關呢?你可以在這段影片學到。(Do you know what is Coronavirus? Do you know any word related to it? You can learn some of them in the video.)

13 hygiene things we learnt to do wrong (13件在衛生上我們錯做的事)

原來我們一直有很多衛生上的事都做錯了!快來看看短片,學習如何正確處理衛生上的事情。(We have learnt to do wrong in some hygienic issues. Let’s see what they are and how to do them properly.)

Hand-washing steps using the WHO (World Health Organization) Technique (世界衛生組織建議的洗手步驟)

這是世界衛生組織建議的洗手步驟。如果你還不肯定自己是否知道正確的洗手方法,這段影片一定可以幫助你。(This is hand-washing steps suggested by WHO (World Health Organization). If you are unsure about whether you know the right way to wash your hands, this video must be a helpful one for you.)

Primary Section (小學組)

3 Breakfasts Your Kids Can Cook Themselves (3款小朋友可以自己煮的早餐)

你有想過自己煮早餐嗎?短片中三位小朋友都能自行製作早餐。同學們如想煮早餐,必須要家長陪同下才能進行!(Have you even thought of cooking breakfast yourselves? This video provides 3 easy breakfast recipes that kids can cook themselves. However, you’d better ask for your parents’ permission first and adults should be in kitchen at all times!)

Mother's Day (母親節)

母親節快來了!看短片學唱歌,唱這首歌給媽媽聽吧!你還可以跟短片學做手工花。媽媽一定會喜歡的!(Mother’s Day is coming! Let’s watch the video and learn the song. Sing the song for your mum! You can also learn to make the easy paper flower craft. You mum will love it!)

Past tense — What did you do? (過去式—你做了甚麼?)

快要復課了!停課期間你做了甚麼呢?你的同學又做了甚麼呢?看看短片學習句式,回校的時候問問同學吧!(Classes will be resumed very soon! What did you do in the period of school suspension? And what did your classmates do? Watch the video and learn the sentence. Ask your classmates when you go to school!)

Secondary Section (中學組)

Daily Dose of British English (英式英語一分鐘with蕭叔叔)


這是香港電台的節目,每集只有大約一分鐘。在這一分鐘,你可以學到有關俚語、發音或有趣的日常對話等。現在就來聽聽在這一分鐘你可以學到甚麼吧!(This programme from RTHK only lasts for one minute each episode. In this one minute, you can learn about slang, pronunciation or interesting daily conversation. Let’s see what you can learn in this one minute now!)

Easy Pasta Salad (簡單的意粉沙律)

還記得我們在學校煮過一些簡單的食物嗎?一起在家試試吧!同學們請與家長一起,嘗試製作這個15分鐘內完成的意粉沙律,簡單又美味!(Do you remember we have cooked some simple food in school? Let’s try at home. Ask for parents’ permission and make this pasta salad in just 15 minutes. It is easy and yummy!)

Typing (打字)


你有沒有用上星期介紹的遊戲進行打字練習?這星期會介紹另一更具挑戰性的遊戲讓你進行練習。不要急,準確度也是很重要的!(Did you practice typing with the game last week? Here is another even more challenging game for you to pracise. Remember, no rush, the accuracy is also important!)

Primary Section (小學組)

People who help us (幫助我們的人)


你知道社區中有哪些能幫助你的人嗎?他們做甚麼的?這個Kahoot問答測試你對這些幫助我們的人有多少認識,玩遊戲時記緊輸入名字。希望在排名榜上見到你的名字吧!(Do you know who can help you in the community? What do they do? Play the Kahoot quiz to test your understanding of the people who help us. Remember to enter your name when you play the game. Hope to see your name on the leaderboard!)



在這遊戲中,你會看到三個箱—垃圾箱、回收箱及肥料箱。請把垃圾分類到正確的箱中。(In this game, you have been given three waste bins - Trash bin, Recycle bin, Compost bin. Please sort the waste materials into the correct bins.)

Healthy eating (健康飲食)


吃水果能讓你保持強壯和健康。利用配對遊戲學習有關水果的英文生字,你更可以按一下生字旁的小喇叭聆聽讀音呢!(Eating fruits can keep you strong and healthy. Play a word matching game to learn and practise fruit vocabulary. You can listen to the pronunciation of the vocabulary in the game, too!)

Secondary Section (中學組)



在這遊戲中,你能學習不同的職業名稱及進行字詞配對。其後你更能挑戰自己,用職業名稱及其職責組成句子。這遊戲共有104種職業。(This is a mini game about different jobs. You can learn the job titles, match the titles with the pictures or even challenge yourselves by combining the job titles with the job duties to make sentences. There are 104 jobs in total.)

Breakfast from around the world (來自世界各地的早餐)


你知道不同國家的人都吃不同類型的早餐嗎?看看短片“Kids Try Breakfast from Around the World”,然後玩玩Kahoot問答測試自己吧!玩遊戲時記緊輸入名字。希望在排名榜上見到你的名字吧!(Do you know people from different countries eat different styles of breakfast? Watch the video and then play the Kahoot quiz to test yourselves. Remember to enter your name when you play the game. Hope to see your name on the leaderboard!)

Typing (打字)


這是一個有趣的練習打字遊戲,主要集中在5個字母的生字。按左下角顯示螢幕鍵盤或是用電腦練習。不要急,準確度也是很重要的!(This is a fun game for you to practice typing. Click “show keyboard” in the bottom left corner or play it on the computer. The focus is on five-letter words. Don’t rush, the accuracy is also important!)

Primary Section (小學組)

Shapes and colour (圖形和顏色)


這個賽車遊戲讓你重溫有關形狀、大小和顏色的生字。同時,你亦可透過遊戲中的聆聽題目挑戰自己對英文問答的應用能力。 (In this game, you can review vocabulary about shapes such as circle, square, triangle, rectangle and how to describe them by colour and size.)

Me and my families (我和我的家庭)


配對生字遊戲讓你重溫有關家庭的英語生字,更可以按一下生字旁的小喇叭聆聽讀音呢! ( Play a word matching game to learn and practise family vocabulary. You can listen to the pronunciation of the vocabulary in the game, too!)

Seasons and weather (季節和天氣)


你可以從動畫中了解四季的特色和活動,然後進行生字和圖片配對及回答一些有趣的題目。 (You can know the features and activities about four seasons in a short animation. Then, you can do a matching game and answer some interesting questions.)

Colours (顏色)


讓我們一起從有趣的圖片和生動的聲音中把物件以不同的顏色分類吧!同時,你可以學習更多的英語生字呢! ( This colour game helps you to sort different colour objects. There are lovely pictures and sounds to keep learning fun.)

Secondary Section (中學組)

Being fashionable (時尚服飾)


在這小遊戲中,你能重溫衣物的英語生字,跟據英語指示把男孩和女孩好好打扮一下吧! ( This is a mini game about clothing items vocabulary. You can also learn the sentence patterns such as ‘He is wearing a watch’ or ‘She is wearing a dress’. Let’s follow the instructions and dress up the characters!)

Protecting the environment (保護環境)


一步步地跟着指示,你也能利用廁紙筒來創造一個獨一無二的環保望遠鏡! ( Let’s learn how to make a binoculars by using toilet paper rolls! Follow the instructions with pictures step by step.)

Jobs people do (職業)


你可以利用圖卡重溫關於職業的生字及進行記憶力遊戲,並且運用有關工作紙作鞏固練習。 (From the pictures to the words, you can practise the use of vocabulary in the matching game. Also, you can also consolidate your learning by doing the printable worksheets.)


Online learning resources for school-wide:

The Egg Hunt

(小學組故事~ Story for Primary Students)


KS1 MC (P.1-P.3) 初小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


KS2 MC (P.4-P.6) 高小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


Hansel and Gretel

(中學組故事~ Story for Secondary Students)


KS3 MC (S.1-S.3) 初中組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


KS4 MC (S.4-S.6) 高中組 (閱讀理解選擇題)



Other online resources for reading:


(KS 1 & 2) 小學組


Children’s Books Online: The Rosetta Project

(KS2 to 4) 高小至高中



Online learning resources for school-wide:

Story The Three Billy Goats Gruff (For Secondary Students)


KS 3 (S.1-S.3) The Three Billy Goats Gruff MC Level 1


KS 4 (S.4-S.6) The Three Billy Goats Gruff MC Level 2



Other online resources for reading:

Storyline Online (For Primary Students)


Storynory (For Secondary Students)



Online learning resources for school-wide:

Peppa Pig—Daddy Pig's Old Chair

(小學組故事Story for Primary Students)


KS1 MC (P.1-P.3) 初小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


KS2 MC (P.4-P.6) 高小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


The Lost Key

(中學組故事 Story for Secondary Students)


KS3 MC (S.1-S.3)初中組(閱讀理解選擇題)


KS4 MC (S.4-S.6)高中組(閱讀理解選擇題)



Other online resources for reading:

Bedtime Short Stories (KS1 and KS2)



Online learning resources for school-wide:

A Cat In The Tree

(小學組故事~ Story for Primary Students)


KS1 MC (P.1-P.3) 初小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


KS2 MC (P.4-P.6) 高小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

(中學組故事~ Story for Secondary Students)


KS3 MC (S.1-S.3) 初中組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


KS4 MC (S.4-S.6) 高中組 (閱讀理解選擇題)



Other online resources for reading:

Little Fox (KS 1 & 2) 小學組


Kids World Fun (KS2 to 4) 高小至高中



Online learning resources for school-wide:

Peppa Pig Little Creatures

(小學組故事~ Story for Primary Students)


Peppa Pig Little Creatures KS1 MC

(P.1-P.3) 初小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


Peppa Pig Little Creatures KS2 MC

(P.4-P.6) 高小組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


Sleeping Beauty (小學組故事~ Story for Primary Students)


Sleeping Beauty KS 3 MC (S.1-S.3) 初中組 (閱讀理解選擇題)


Sleeping Beauty KS 4 MC (S.4-S.6) 高中組 (閱讀理解選擇題)



Other online resources for reading:

Kiz Club (KS 1 & 2) 小學組


Storyline Online(KS 2, KS 3 & 4) 高小至高中


Martha Speaks True Stories (Environment, Technology, Inventions, Measuring) (KS 3 & 4) 初中及高中



Online learning resources for school-wide:


Other online resources for reading:

Free Kids Books (KS3 and KS4)



Online learning resources for school-wide:

The Toys’ Party


The Toys’ Party_ KS1 初小組(閱讀理解選擇題)

The Toys’ Party_ KS1 Comprehension


The Toys’ Party_KS2 高小組(閱讀理解選擇題)

The Toys’ Party_KS2 Comprehension


The Enormous Turnip


The Enormous Turnip_KS3 初中組(閱讀理解選擇題)

The Enormous Turnips_KS3 Comprehension


The Enormous Turnip_KS4 高中組(閱讀理解選擇題)

The Enormous Turnips_KS4 Comprehension



Other online resources for reading:

全校網上學習資源:Starfall_E-Learning Website

(內有故事、遊戲等) 適合初小至高小的學生 (With stories, games, etc.) Suitable for KS1 to KS2 (P.1 to P.6)


Super Simple English_E-Learning Website

(內有故事、遊戲、歌曲、工作紙等) 適合初小至初中的學生 (With stories, games, songs, worksheets, etc.) Suitable for KS1 to KS3 (P.1 to S.3)


English Sing Sing_E-Learning Website

(內有故事、歌曲、對話等) 適合高小至高中的學生 (With stories, songs, dialogues, etc.) Suitable for KS2 to KS4 (P.4 to S.6)


初小 — 數數(1-10)

Number 1-10_Game


Balloon Pop 1-10_Game


高小 — 報時的遊戲

Clock Match: Time to Half-Hour


Telling the Time_Story, Song, Dialogue



Telling the Time_Quiz


Schedule Day_Story, Song, Dialogue



Shopping and Prices


How much is it?_Story, song, dialogue


分享工作紙資源 (內藏為各學階學生設計的工作紙)

Worksheets sharing folder (for students of different Key Stages)
