
A texting initiative created to instill courage

 and hope in the day-to-day lives of youth.

What is BlessUP?

BlessUP is a texting initiative created by Youth Unlimited GTA designed to uplift and encourage participants through carefully crafted texts. When you sign up you will receive three texts per week that will help you take on your day. BlessUP texts are for anyone living in Canada and the United States!

We are here 

for you!

We are committed to our participants. Not only through our texts, but also through LiftedUP and LinkUP. We hope to build lasting relationships with our participants, inspiring them to share love to those around them. 

Let's Pray Together

Have something on your heart that you'd like us to lift up to God? Fill out the LiftedUP form below to let us know of your request!

Need someone to talk to?

The BlessUP team is full of people ready to listen! Fill out the LinkUP form below to get connected!


young people

say about 


“BlessUP texts make me feel like someone out there cares about me”  

“The texts help me stay motivated” 

“A great reminder that despite the hardships of life, I have people who truly care about me, and that the love of God is always gonna be with me”

“They make me smile when I read them and can turn your day around” 

“The texts are a constant reminder that with God's strength, we can overcome anything, and we are a part of his GREAT plan!” 

“BlessUP texts encourage me to keep pushing through the tough times!”

“Some of the texts really do come at the right time!”

“The texts give me a bold confidence to face challenging conversations or decisions in my day.”