3D Printing

3-D Printing

We use Tinkercad to design and develop 3D printing projects. Please see Ms. Stanton if you do not already have a Tinkercad account.

Once you have created a project (currently: project estimated print time must be 3 hours or less), you will need to:

  • download the project
  • put the project on a flash drive, with your first and last name as the filename
  • pick a filament color
  • file out the print request chart

Ms. Stanton will then arrange with you when the design will be printed and when you can pick it up.

Check Instructables for lots of amazing projects like these:

3D Printed Bionic Hand

3D Printed Arduino Drone Quadcopter

3D Printable USB Air Purifier

3D Printed Spring Heel Shoes