Chromebook Info

New to district or haven't used a Yorktown device this school year?

Fill out this form to be issued a chromebook:

Chromebook Contract & Consent Form for 2023/24

Chromebook Insurance (optional but recommended!)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I log on to my Chromebook?

Use the username you use in school and add (Notice it says Email not Username!)

How do I reset my password?

Students must come to the LMC and ask Mrs. Vecchiolla or Ms. Stanton to reset it. 

How do I know which Chromebook is mine? They all look alike!

Your Chromebook will be given to you with a name label on it.  You cannot put stickers on your chromebook, as they belong to the school and are on loan to you.

Can I download apps onto the Chromebook?

Yes! Just be sure that the apps are related to your school work. If there is an app that you cannot access that you want to use for school, please let us know and we will look into it.

Can I decorate my Chromebook?

No! The Chromebook is being lent to you, but it belongs to the district. You CANNOT draw on it, put stickers on it, remove labels, physically change, or damage the device. Doing so can void the warranty with the manufacturer, meaning that they might not repair it if it's broken, and it's also just not polite to make changes to something that doesn't belong to you!

What do I do if my Chromebook is missing/lost?

If your Chromebook goes missing, try to remember the last place you had it. If it was in school, check with the staff in the place you remember last having it. Check the lost and found in the LMC and in the main office. If you cannot find it, ask a teacher to put it into the help desk and we can try to track the last place it was used on school property. You can also come to the LMC and we can put it in the help desk for you.

If you cannot find the device, you will be required to pay for the lost machine. 

Can I bring my own device?

Yes, you can bring your own laptop or chromebook. To access the internet, you'll want to connect to the BYOD network, and use your yorktown username (not your email! Just firstname.lastname, and your standard Yorktown password.)

What do I do if my Chromebook is broken/stops working?

Bring your chromebook to the library and we will see if it is repairable. If you are at home and the device has a problem, please fill out this form so that we are aware of the problem. (You can also email Ms. Stanton at!)

Our goal is for every student to have a working device! If you have any trouble, please reach out to Ms. Stanton.

To access general help information for Google apps, please visit the Google support site