Library Orientation

Students will understand the library layout, utilizing the catalog, following procedures/routines, taking care of materials, expectations for behavior, and resources available.

Establish library routine and use of shelf markers/location (K)

Introduce/identify fiction and non-fiction locations in the library (Gr 1)

Reinforce book location by introducing OPAC navigation (Gr 2)

Introduce Dewey organization of NF collection (Gr 3)

Reinforce use of shelf markers

Specify Crompond library rules and expectations

Encourage exploration of the library collection

Emphasize the importance of searching OPAC to find sources

Connect OPAC call numbers to physical spaces in the library

Establish middle school library rules, expectations, and uses of space

Share sign in procedures

Educate on procedures for lunch passes

Inspire creativity in use of Fab Lab and ESTEAM projects

Introduce age appropriate research materials (digital and physical)

Define high school library rules and expectations

Clarify sign in procedures

Encourage use of the Makerspace and ESTEAM challenges

Identify physical and virtual library resources