Information Literacy & the Research Process

Students will learn to find, evaluate, and use quality resources in order to satisfy their information needs.

Introduce grade appropriate databases in support of classroom research projects

Assist students in finding material to support classroom projects

Teach students how to access school and public library catalogs from home

Introduce concept of citing sources

Reintroduce plagiarism, paraphrasing, and ethics of research

Educate students on creation of and need for citations and bibliographies

Teach students to access and use various research databases as needed to support classroom projects

Reinforce search techniques for databases (keywords, Boolean searches, Filters)

Educate students on searching the internet (Boolean searches) and source evaluation ("Fake News," CRAP test, fact, fiction, non-fiction, opinion, bias)

Demonstrate use of Noodletools to create citations & explain citation styles

Explain plagiarism, ethical researching, and intellectual property rights

Re-enforce the ideas of censorship and freedom of speech

Demonstrate a variety of search techniques (keywords, Boolean searches, filters)

Reinforce the need for and proper formatting of citations (plagiarism, bibliographies, in-text citations, MLA vs. APA, Zoterobib)

Identify different types of information sources (primary and secondary sources, databases, journals, encyclopedias, almanacs, websites)

Reinforce source evaluation (CRAAP, fact, fiction, opinion, bias, censorship, freedom of speech and banned books)

Instill a respect for intellectual property rights